How to Build an ACL Auditor with Batfish

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One of the domains that I have worked in during my career is network security. And in this space, when it comes to firewalls, I’ve seen many problem areas such as:

  • Human error – ACL updates that have resulted in ACL entries being added incorrectly i.e wrong position within the list (think “deny any any” or “permit any any” at position 1!) resulting in either service outages or unintentional access into your network.
  • ACL clutter – Over time, ACLs are added to the rule base. However, when these rules are added, often they encompass other rule sets that are no longer required as they are never hit. Not only does this only present unnecessary clutter for anyone reading the ACL, but also requires greater cycles for the firewall to process.
  • Bad actors – Bad actors – an individual, group, or organization interested in attacking IT systems – that have managed to get into the firewall because of a vulnerability or another attack vector and open ports to allow them access into the network.

Based on these pain points I wanted to write an ACL auditing tool based on Batfish, that would automate the checks needed to prevent these issues from occurring, whilst also providing you with a springboard into the world of Batfish and network security automation.

Why Batfish? Batfish provides a great open source, vendor agnostic way to validate ACLs, as we will dive into later.

Note: To fully follow this guide you will need to have both Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Lets begin…

Batfish 101

What is Batfish?

Batfish is an open-source network configuration analysis tool that provides the ability to validate configuration data, query network adjacencies, verify firewall ACL rule sets and also analyze routing/flow paths.1

Batfish runs as a service, i.e a dockerized container. Snapshots of your network are then uploaded to the Batfish service. A snapshot is a collection of information that represents your network, such as device configurations, link/connectivity data and server details such as IP and IPtable settings. Therefore, Batfish requires no direct access to your network, and operates via a purely offline based model.

Batfish then ingests your network snapshot and builds a series of internal vendor agnostic models about your network. These models not only include configuration, but also control plane state such as BGP sessions etc. Questions are then issued to the Batfish service about your network via the Python SDK (pybatfish) or an Ansible Batfish role. Available question types include:

Furthermore, Batfish also supports the uploading of multiple snapshots from which you can then perform comparison against, as we will later. Below is an example of using pybatfish to check the session status of BGP.

>>> bfq.bgpSessionStatus(nodes="/spine|leaf/").answer().frame()
.... Wed Jun 26 15:01:16 2019 DST Begin job.
     Node      VRF Local_AS Local_Interface Local_IP Remote_AS Remote_Node Remote_Interface Remote_IP   Session_Type Established_Status
0   leaf1  default    64521            None     64520      spine1             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED
1   leaf1  default    64521            None     64520      spine2             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED
2   leaf2  default    64522            None     64520      spine1             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED
3   leaf2  default    64522            None     64520      spine2             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED
4  spine1  default    64520            None     64521       leaf1             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED
5  spine1  default    64520            None     64522       leaf2             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED
6  spine2  default    64520            None     64521       leaf1             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED
7  spine2  default    64520            None     64522       leaf2             None  EBGP_MULTIHOP        ESTABLISHED


To install Batfish the following commands are run to pull down and then run our Batfish container image.2

docker pull batfish/allinone
docker run --name batfish -d -v batfish-data:/data -p 8888:8888 -p 9997:9997 -p 9996:9996 batfish/allinone

However, for this tutorial we can use a pre-built environment via docker-compose using the following commands.

git clone -b v0.1

cd ntc-soteria

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec ntc-soteria bash

Once run, you will have 2 running containers (Batfish and ntc-soteria) and will be placed into the shell of the ntc-soteria container. This container will have pybatfish installed and access to the Batfish container.

We will be using ntc-soteria further when building our ACL auditor, and dive into this further later on in this guide.


Let’s look at a small example. From the ntc-soteria repo previously cloned, we will use an example Cisco ASA configuration and run a question against our Batfish service.

Next, we fire up our Python interpreter, import the required pybatfish modules and create a snapshot from the ASA configuration contained within the ./data directory.

from pybatfish.client.commands import bf_session
from pybatfish.question import bfq
from pybatfish.question.question import load_questions
from acl_auditor.helpers import read_file

asa_config = read_file('data/asa.cfg') = 'batfish'
bf_session.init_snapshot_from_text(asa_config, snapshot_name="base", overwrite=True)

We can now start asking questions about our snapshot. Below shows the ipOwners question to get the ip details of the device. Note: answer() runs the question and returns the answer in a JSON format. frame() wraps the answer as pandas dataframe. The Pandas Dataframe provides us with a data structure and various methods to parse, maniuplate and iterate the results.

>>> bfq.ipOwners().answer().frame()
.... no task information
.... 2020-07-03 08:56:32.506000+01:00 Begin job.
  Node      VRF Interface              IP Mask Active
0  fw1  default   webfarm   24   True
1  fw1  default      mgmt   24  False
2  fw1  default    inside   30   True
3  fw1  default   outside   24   True

Note: answer() .frame()`.

As mentioned in the previous section, there are numerous questions available. This can also be seen by printing the names (questions) within the bfq namespace. Like so:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(dir(bfq))

From this list you will see 2 questions – filterLineReachability and compareFilters. These questions will form the basis of our ACL auditor.

Creating an ACL Auditor

We will now look at how to build an ACL auditor. We will be using the environment via the pre-built repo ntc-soteria, that used previoulsy to run a simple Batfish example.

Many of you may be asking, what’s the strange name ntc-soteria. Well,

in Greek mythology, Soteria was the goddess or spirit (daimon) of safety and salvation, deliverance, and preservation from harm.

ACL Auditor Overview

Our ACL auditor will be a CLI based tool, written in Python, powered by Batfish and will provide two types of audits:

  • Differential – Compares and reports the differences between a set of reference flows and a configured (implemented) ACL. Reference flows are 5-tuple policy definitions that define what should be permitted or denied by the firewall. By calculating and reporting the difference between the reference flows and implemented flows, we can ensure no unintended traffic is being permitted (or denied) by the firewall. This will be performed via the Batfish question compareFilters.
  • Unreachable Entries – Reports any entries within an ACL that will never be hit due to being shadowed by prior lines within the ACL. This will be performed via the Batfish question filterLineReachability.

Audit Types

Let’s look at each audit type in more detail.


This audit takes 3 pieces of information, a single YAML file containing a set of reference flows, the configuration of your firewall, and also the ACL name in question. It then compares your reference flows and implemented flows to provide you with a set of results showing the differences. The results include:

  • flows that your firewall IS permitting or denying but should not as they are not included in your reference flow definition.
  • flows that your firewall IS NOT permitting or denying but should as they are included in your reference flow definition.

Some use cases for this audit include:

  • Preventing human error during firewall changes. For example, incorrect addition of an “ip any any.”
  • Adding to the previous point, you can also add this to your ACL CI pipelines.
  • Allows you to run routine scripted checks against your ACL base to ensure no flows are opened incorrectly (for example by bad actors).


This check takes a firewall configuration containing your ACL rule sets. It then reports on any lines that will not match any packet, because of being shadowed by prior lines. The key use cases for this are:

  • Prevent human error during firewall changes. For example, incorrect placement of an encompassing deny rule.
  • Adding to the previous point, you can also add this to your ACL CI pipelines.
  • Assist in keeping your ACL rule sets minimal and free of unnecessary lines. This helps in clarity and also can reduce firewall overhead.

The Code

Code Layout/Files

From the shell you previously entered during the Batfish example earlier, you will now be presented with the following code structure for our tool.

tree .
├── Dockerfile                  // How to assemble the Docker image.
├── Makefile                    // Set of shell shortcuts. See avail via `make`. 
├──                   // Details about repo.
├── acl_auditor                  
│   ├──  
│   ├──              // Main script file. 
│   ├──              // Various helpers (file, acl generators).
│   ├── report.j2               // HTML report jinja2 template.
│   └──             // Formats outputs, and renders outputs/report.
├── data
│   ├── asa.cfg                 // Example ASA configuration.
│   ├── csr.cfg                 // Example CSR configuration.
│   ├── flows.yml               // Example flow reference.
│   ├── report-example.png      // Example image of HTML report.
│   └── report.html             // Example HTML report.
├── docker-compose.yml          // Docker environment definition.
├── poetry.lock                 // Package management file for Poetry.
├── pyproject.toml              // Package management file for Poetry.
└── tests
    ├── test_config.cfg         // Test config for unit tests.
    ├── test_flows.yml          // Test flows for unit tests.
    └── unit
        └──     // Unit tests

Based on the files above. At a high level we will:

  • Via the CLI, run the module and pass in a set of inputs. Example inputs have been included within the data directory.
  • contains a class ACLAuditor. This class contains various methods for performing the required Batfish actions.
  • Once the Batfish operations have been performed the results will be parsed and formatted via the module, for output via the CLI and/or HTML.

A visual representation of this is below.


Unreachable Entry Audit

Let’s now look at how we build our unreachable audit. As mentioned previously this audit will report on any ACL entries that are shadowed by another ACL rule, and therefore would never be hit. To calculate this result we will use the Batfish question:


Below shows an overview of the steps that we will perform within this audit.

Build Batfish Session

As per our differential audit, the Batfish session will be created at the point of ACLAuditor instantiation. Like so:



class ACLAuditor:
    def __init__(self, config_file): = "batfish"
        self.config_file = config_file

Create Snapshot

Next, we need to create a snapshot using our device configuration. We use the same method as we used before, as shown below:



def _create_base_snapshot(self):
        self.config_file, snapshot_name="base", overwrite=True
Query Batfish

We now query Batfish via the bfq.filterLineReachability(), like so:


   def get_unreachable_lines(self):
        return bfq.filterLineReachability().answer()
Output Reports

Just like we did for our previous report we then pass our results into various reporting functions within, which formats the outputs and also deals with the rendering of the HTML template using Jinja2.


We will again use the example ASA configuration supplied. Within this configuration let’s focus in on the following ACL:

access-list acl-inside extended deny ip any4 any4
access-list acl-inside extended permit udp host host eq domain
access-list acl-inside extended permit udp host host eq domain

We run the audit, we get the following results:

./acl_auditor/ -c unreachable -d data/asa.cfg
| Sources             | Unreachable Line                                | Unreachable Line Action   | Blocking Lines        | Reason         |
| ['fw1: acl-inside'] | permit udp host host eq domain | PERMIT                    | ['deny ip any4 any4'] | BLOCKING_LINES |
| ['fw1: acl-inside'] | permit udp host host eq domain | PERMIT                    | ['deny ip any4 any4'] | BLOCKING_LINES |

Here we can see that the line deny ip any4 any4 is blocking the 2 lines for DNS access out to Google. Great!

Differential Audit

So how do we use Batfish to perform a differential audit? That is, how do we compare and report on the differences between a set of reference flows and an ACL. In short we use the Batfish question bfq.compareFilters(). The questions takes a node name, along with 2 snapshots, containing your ACLs, and then returns the differences.


Unlike the previous audit this one is a little more advanced. Below shows the steps involved. To summarize we will:

  1. Create a snapshot from our device configuration.
  2. Convert our YAML reference flows into an ACL.
  3. Create a reference snapshot using the reference ACL.
  4. Compare the 2 snapshots.
  5. Return the results.

Let’s step through the key steps and code:

Build Batfish Session

Our Batfish session will be built within the constructor of the ACLAuditor class. Like so:


class ACLAuditor:
    def __init__(self, config_file): = "batfish"
        self.config_file = config_file
Convert Reference Flows

First we take a set of reference flows, that we have defined as YAML (as shown below), and convert them into an ACL based format.


- source_ip:
  dest_port: 53
  proto: udp
  action: permit
- source_ip:
  dest_port: 3306
  proto: tcp
  action: permit

For this we use YAML to ACL convertor helper functions found within helpers.pygenerate_acl_syntax_juniper_srx().

Create Snapshots

We now have our reference flows in an ACL based format. We will use this ACL to generate a reference snapshot. We will then use our device config to generate a base snapshot.

Like so:

    def _create_base_snapshot(self):
            self.config_file, snapshot_name="base", overwrite=True

    def _create_reference_snapshot(self, hostname):
        platform = "juniper_srx"
        reference_acl = create_acl_from_yaml(
            self.flows_file, hostname, self.acl_name, platform
Query Batfish

With the 2 snapshots created, we can run our bfq.compareFilters() question, as shown below.

def get_acl_differences(self, flows_file, acl_name):
    return bfq.compareFilters().answer(
        snapshot="base", reference_snapshot="reference"
Output Reports

Once done we then pass our results into various reporting functions within, which formats the outputs and also deals with the rendering of the HTML template using jinja2.


Let’s take our reference flows, which are shown below. These are the flows that should be configured; nothing more, nothing less.

- source_ip:
  dest_port: 53
  proto: udp
  action: permit
- source_ip:
  dest_port: 3306
  proto: tcp
  action: permit

In this case, we will use an ASA configuration as our device config. Below shows the ACL in question:

access-list acl-webfarm extended permit tcp any host eq 3306
access-list acl-webfarm extended permit udp host host eq domain
access-list acl-webfarm extended permit udp host host eq domain
access-list acl-webfarm extended deny ip any4 any4

When we run the audit we get the following results:

| Reference Flow Index   | Reference Flow Content                                  | Implemented Flow Action   | Implemented Flow Content                        |
| 1                      | "flow2 ( any 3306 tcp permit)" | DENY                      | deny ip any4 any4                               |
| No Match               |                                                         | PERMIT                    | permit tcp any host eq 3306            |
| No Match               |                                                         | PERMIT                    | permit udp host host eq domain |

So we have 3 differences (failures) that the audit has returned. Lets step through each one by line:

  1. The reference flow any 3306 tcp permit is not permitted due to the implemented line deny ip any4 any4.
  2. The implemented ACL is permitting permit tcp any host eq 3306. However, no match for this flow is found within the reference flows.
  3. Likewise, the implemented ACL is permitting permit udp host host eq domain. However, No Match for this flow is found within the reference flows.

Great, we have detected flows that should have been implemented and also flows that were incorrectly implemented.

HTML Report

We previously ran the audits individually out to just the CLI. However, I’ve also included the option to output the results as an HTML template, as shown below:


This report is generated via an additional -o html option when running both audits. For example:

./acl_auditor/ -c all -d data/asa.cfg -r data/flows.yml -a acl-inside -o html

A detailed dive into how the template is constructed and rendered is outside the scope of this article. But the key points are:


A thanks goes out to Ratul Mahajan and Dan Halperin at Intentionet for their help and input into this tool.


  1. “A Hands-on Guide to Multi-Tiered Firewall … – PacketFlow.” 13 Dec. 2019, Accessed 23 Jun. 2020. 
  2. “A Hands-on Guide to Multi-Tiered Firewall … – PacketFlow.” 13 Dec. 2019, Accessed 24 Jun. 2020. 


I hope you have enjoyed reading this article as much as I have enjoyed writing it. When it comes to Batfish, I have only really scratched the surface in what you can perform when it comes to flow validation. For example, this audit could be extended to check flows across multiple devices (think dual layer firewall topologies).

I hope this has provided you with a springboard into the world of Batfish, and network security based automation.

Thanks for reading.

-Rick Donato (@rickjdon)

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How to Build a Webex Teams Chatbot

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By now I’m sure most of you would have heard the terms ChatOps and Chatbots.

For many of you these terms may be new, and if not you may be wondering how to get started. In this article, we will answer these questions and also get hands-on with building a Chatbot within the collaboration platform Webex Teams.

ChatOps, a term originally coined by the folks at Github, is all about conversation-driven operations.1 This is achieved via a Chatbot that is integrated with your chat platform (such as Webex Teams, Microsoft Teams or Slack) and configured to execute various actions upon commands or actions submitted by the user.

By bringing your tools into your conversations and using a Chatbot modified to work with key plugins and scripts, teams can automate tasks, collaborate more, and to work faster and more efficiently.2

When it comes to Chatbots, there are two main types – text-based and menu/button-based:

  • Text-based – Bots are created to accept a text command, execute a command and then return the result back to the user. For the scope of this article, this is the type of Chatbot we will be building.
  • Menu/button-based – The latest Chatbots now provide dialog inputs and other interactive elements as opposed to text commands.3 With Webex Teams, this type of Chatbot is built with Buttons and Cards (example below), based upon the Microsoft Adaptive Cards specification. Microsoft Teams also utilizes Adaptive Cards, whereas Slack provides Block Kit.

Image source:

Pull vs Webhooks

There are 2 main methods for getting the data and/or actions from the user to the Chatbot for processing – pull and webhooks.

  • Pull – The Chatbot continuously pulls data from the chat platform, for example, messages. An example of a pull-based bot can be found in this previous post on building a basic Slack bot with Python –
  • Webhooks – Instead of polling the chat platform, a webhook is only sent to the bot in the event of a given condition, for example, a new message is created, or a form submission. This method prevents continuous polling and therefore can reduce the resource overhead to both the chat API endpoints and Chatbot.

Chatbot Demo Overview

At a very high level, our user will enter an IP address and netmask within the Webex Teams client (be it the mobile app, web browser, or desktop app). Our Chatbot will then perform an ipcalc against the IP and subnet, then return the result to the user.


Let’s step through the order of operations for our Chatbot.

  1. The user submits a message within Webex Teams.
  2. Webex Teams then processes this submission.
  3. This submission triggers a webhook, an HTTP POST to our Chatbot endpoint, containing a message ID.
  4. The Chatbot will then issue an API call out to the Webex Teams API to collect the message details using the previous message ID.
  5. Using the message details, our Chatbot will then perform the required action. In our case taking the IP/Subnet and running ipcalc.
  6. A message is then created containing the results of ipcalc.
  7. The message is displayed to the user via the Webex Teams client.

Webex Teams Configuration

To begin, we perform the required configuration within Webex teams. This consists of creating our bot, adding our bot to our Webex Teams space, along with creating a message webhook.

Create Bot

First of all, we need to create our bot. This is done on the Webex platform via the URL

Once created, you will be provided with two important pieces of information, the Bot Access Token and the Bot ID which we will use in later steps.


Note: If you do not have a Webex Teams account, you can register for a free trial over at

Add Bot to Space

Next, add your new bot within your Webex Teams space. Like so,


Create Webhook

We will now turn our attention to creating our webhook. Webex Team webhooks are created via its REST API. There are many ways to send an API request, such as curl or via the Python requests module. However, we will use Postman.

Postman is an API (application programming interface) development tool that helps to build, test, and modify APIs.4

The benefit of using Postman in this scenario is that we can utilize the prebuilt Webex collection, located at This will save you time, and also give you a bunch of other API requests should you want to explore further. Once you have imported the collection into Postman you will need to assign the previously obtained Bot Access Token as the variable bot_token, within a Postman environment (as shown below). The main benefit of doing this is that it will prevent us from needing to add our Bot Access Token to each API call we make.


We can now create our webhook by locating the Create a webhook (messages/created) request inside the Webex Teams API v1 collection. Within the body add the details as shown below. To summarize the body shown, it specifies that when a message is created send a webhook to the targetUrl. Once created, click send.


Building the Chatbot

With Webex configured, let’s create our bot! To provide an API endpoint that the Webex Teams API can send the webhook to, we will build our Chatbot using the web framework Flask.

Clone Repo

First clone the repo, as shown below:

git clone

Create Virtual Environment

Next, create a virtual environment. We then activate (enter) the virtual environment and install our Python dependencies that our bot will require.

cd chatbot-demo
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create Environment Variable File

We will define all of our environment variables that our bot will require within .env. To create this file, run the command cp .env-example .env and then add the Bot access token and username obtained previously. An example of .env-example is shown below.


Setup Ngrok

Ngrok is a reverse proxy that creates a secure tunnel from a public endpoint to a locally running web service. ngrok captures and analyzes all traffic over the tunnel for later inspection and replay. 5

In other words, Ngrok allows us to create a public endpoint that Webex Teams can send the webhook to. This Ngrok public endpoint will then send the API call (webhook) over a secure tunnel to the localhost that is running our bot.

Note: This setup is only required for development purposes. Typically within a production based setup, the bot endpoint would be exposed publicly.

To download Ngrok go to Once complete you will be provided with a Ngrok authentication token, which you will need to add to .env.

You can now run Ngrok via the following commands.

export $(cat .env | xargs)
/opt/ngrok authtoken ${NGROK_TOKEN_ENV}
/opt/ngrok http -subdomain=chatbot 5030

Note: The above is based upon you installing Ngrok within the /opt folder.

Install System Dependencies

Our bot will be using ipcalc to perform the subnetting calculations, therefore we will need to install it like so:

apt-get install ipcalc

Execute Chatbot

Before we execute our bot, there are a few things worth mentioning about the code.

  • A single Flask view is created to respond to HTTP POST requests against “webex-teams/webhook`.
  • The Webex Teams SDK is used to simplify the process of performing the necessary API requests (steps 4 and 6 in the previous workflow diagram).
  • The line condition if request.json["data"]["personEmail"] == os.getenv("WEBEX_BOT_USERNAME") ensures that our bot does not process messages originating from itself. This is a loop prevention mechanism. `

Let’s now execute our bot. Like so,

python chatbot/

Test Bot

To test your new bot go into your Webex Teams space then mention your bot, followed by ipcalc and then the subnet address. Like so: @<your_bot_name> ipcalc <x.x.x.x>/cidr. Below shows an example:



  1. “ChatOps 2.0 — What, How and Why? – YellowAnt.” Accessed 18 May. 2020. 
  2. “What is ChatOps? And How do I Get Started? – PagerDuty.” 2 Dec. 2014, Accessed 18 May. 2020. 
  3. “ChatOps 2.0 — What, How and Why? – YellowAnt.” 19 Mar. 2018, Accessed 26 May. 2020. 
  4. “Introduction to Postman for API Development – GeeksforGeeks.” Accessed 19 May. 2020. 
  5. “inconshreveable/ngrok: Introspected ….” Accessed 19 May. 2020. 


Well, there we have it folks. It’s been a blast and I would like to thank you for reading. Stay tuned for future posts around the world of Chatbots.

-Rick Donato (@rickjdon)

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