Nautobot Apps and Data Model Relationships

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When developing a Nautobot App, there are multiple ways to integrate any new data models belonging to that App with the core data models provided by Nautobot itself. I’m writing to share a few quick tips about which approaches to choose.

Classes of Data Relationships

There are four basic classes of data relationships you might wish to implement in your App:

  1. One to One: Each record of type A relates to at most one record of type B and vice versa. For example, a VirtualChassis has at most one Device serving as the primary for that chassis, and a Device is the primary for at most one VirtualChassis.
  2. One to Many: Each record of type A relates to any number of records of type B, but each record of type B relates to at most one record of type A. For example, a Location may have many Racks, but each Rack has only one Location.
  3. Many to One: The reverse of the previous class. I’m calling it out as a separate item, because in some cases it needs to be handled differently when developing an App.
  4. Many to Many: Any number of records of type A relate to any number of records of type B. For example, a VRF might have many associated RouteTarget records as its import and export targets, and a RouteTarget might be reused across many VRF records.

Options for Implementing Data Relationships in Nautobot

The first, and seemingly easiest, approach to implement would be something like a CharField on your App’s model (or a String-type CustomField added to a core model) that identifies a related record(s) by its nameslug, or similar natural key. I’m including this only for completeness, as really you should never do this. It has many drawbacks, notably in terms of data validation and consistency. For example, there’s no inherent guarantee that the related record exists in the first place, or that it will continue to exist so long as you have a reference to it. Nautobot is built atop a relational database and as such has first-class support for representing and tracking object relationships at the database level. You should take advantage of these features instead!

The next, and most traditional, approach is to represent data relationships using native database features such as foreign keys. This has a lot of advantages, including database validation, data consistency, and optimal performance. In most cases, this will be your preferred approach when developing new data models in your App, but there are a few cases where it isn’t possible.

The final approach, which is specific to Nautobot, is to make use of Nautobot’s Relationship feature, which allows a user or developer to define arbitrary data relationships between any two models. This is an extremely powerful and flexible feature, and is especially useful to a Nautobot user who wishes to associate existing models in a new way, but from an App developer standpoint, it should often be your fallback choice rather than your first choice, because it lacks some of the performance advantages of native database constructs.

Implementing One-to-One Data Relationships

A one-to-one relationship between App data models, or between an App model and a core Nautobot model, should generally be implemented as a Django OneToOneField on the appropriate App data model. This is a special case of a ForeignKey and provides all of the same inherent performance and data consistency benefits. You can use Django features such as on_delete=models.PROTECT or on_delete=models.CASCADE to control how your data model will automatically respond when the other related model is deleted.

An example from the nautobot-firewall-models App:

class CapircaPolicy(PrimaryModel):
    """CapircaPolicy model."""

    device = models.OneToOneField(

In this example, each CapircaPolicy maps to at most one Device, and vice versa. Deleting a Device will result in its associated CapircaPolicy being automatically deleted as well.

If, and only if, your App needs to define a new relationship between two core Nautobot models, you cannot use a OneToOneField because an App cannot directly modify a core model. In this case, your fallback option would be to create a one-to-one Relationship record as the way of adding this data relationship. This is a pretty rare case, so I don’t have a real-world example to point to, but it would conceptually be implemented using the nautobot_database_ready signal:

def handle_nautobot_database_ready(sender, *, apps, **kwargs):
            "name": "Originating Device to VRF",
            "type": RelationshipTypeChoices.TYPE_ONE_TO_ONE,
            "source_type": ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Device),
            "destination_type": ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VRF),

Implementing One-to-Many and Many-to-One Data Relationships

A one-to-many or many-to-one data relationship between two App models should be implemented as a standard Django ForeignKey field from the “many” model to the “one” model. The same approach works for a many-to-one relationship from an App model to a core Nautobot model.

An example from the nautobot-device-lifecycle-mgmt App:

class SoftwareLCM(PrimaryModel):
    """Software Life-Cycle Management model."""

    device_platform = models.ForeignKey(
        verbose_name="Device Platform"

In this example, many SoftwareLCM may all map to a single Platform, and deleting a Platform will automatically delete all such SoftwareLCM records.

Because, again, an App cannot directly modify a core model, this approach cannot be used for a one-to-many relation from an App model to a core model, or between two core models, because it would require adding a ForeignKey on the core model itself. In this case, you’ll need to create a Relationship, as in this example from the nautobot-ssot App’s Infoblox integration:

def nautobot_database_ready_callback(sender, *, apps, **kwargs):
    # ...

    # add Prefix -> VLAN Relationship
    relationship_dict = {
        "name": "Prefix -> VLAN",
        "slug": "prefix_to_vlan",
        "type": RelationshipTypeChoices.TYPE_ONE_TO_MANY,
        "source_type": ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Prefix),
        "source_label": "Prefix",
        "destination_type": ContentType.objects.get_for_model(VLAN),
        "destination_label": "VLAN",
    Relationship.objects.get_or_create(name=relationship_dict["name"], defaults=relationship_dict)

Implementing Many-to-Many Data Relationships

A many-to-many data relationship involving App models should be implemented via a Django ManyToManyField. An example from the nautobot-circuit-maintenance App:

class NotificationSource(OrganizationalModel):
    # ...

    providers = models.ManyToManyField(
        help_text="The Provider(s) that this Notification Source applies to.",

One NotificationSource can provide notifications for many different Providers, and any given Provider may have multiple distinct NotificationSources.

Once again, the only exception is when a relationship between two core Nautobot models is desired, in which case use of a Relationship would be required. This is another fairly rare case and so I don’t have a real-world example to point to here, but it would follow the similar pattern to the other Relationship examples above.

Conclusion and Summary

Here’s a handy table summarizing which approach to take for various data relationships:

Model AModel BCardinalityRecommended Approach
App modelApp modelOne-to-OneOneToOneField on either model
App modelApp modelOne-to-ManyForeignKey on model B
App modelApp modelMany-to-OneForeignKey on model A
App modelApp modelMany-to-ManyManyToManyField on either model
App modelCore modelOne-to-OneOneToOneField on model A
App modelCore modelOne-to-ManyRelationship definition
App modelCore modelMany-to-OneForeignKey on model A
App modelCore modelMany-to-ManyManyToManyField on model A
Core modelCore modelOne-to-OneRelationship definition
Core modelCore modelOne-to-ManyRelationship definition
Core modelCore modelMany-to-OneRelationship definition
Core modelCore modelMany-to-ManyRelationship definition


I hope you’ve found this post useful. Go forth and model some data!


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Versionable Database

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One of the most important components of a network automation strategy is how to manage your data and/or Source of Truth (SoT). In networking, the data elements are often massive. As an example, most Fortune 500 type companies will have to manage a few hundred thousand to potentially millions of switchports, each with several data points (VLAN, MTU, IP, etc) per interface. The scale and criticality of this data present several challenges. The intention of this blog is describe the need for a versionable database in network automation and serve as an primer to a versionable database.

Problem Space

When managing and storing your Source of Truth data, there are two primary mechanisms, each with it’s own pros and cons.

Source Control (Git)

  • Provides the ability to version data in such a way the exact state of the data at any point in the past is known.
  • Provides the ability to know who is the owner of the data.
  • Provides the ability to populate data in a staging area, without modifying the production data.
  • Tooling integration with things such as CI Systems.
  • Decentralized storage of the data.


  • Provides ACID-based transactions of the data.
  • Has a native querying language to obtain, filter, and all around work with the data.
  • Provides schema enforcement of the data.
  • The ability to scale to large datasets.

There is a clear dichotomy between these two choices. On one hand there is great integrations with all standard DevOps tooling, on the other hand there is an enterprise-grade manager of the data.


For several years, a few of us have been searching for solutions that combine these two concepts. If one could build a database with Git constructs, this would allow versionable management of your data, with the ability to query, effectively store, and manage at scale. Through various searches it would seem that this has not been solved in any meaningful way. The closest I have come across was a project called NOMS, but it has limitations.

Recently a startup company called liquidata was founded and is creating a solution–a library called Dolt. Dolt is is written on top of the NOMS project, in Go. The intention is to support all Git semantics (such as branch, add, commit, etc..), as well as all MySQL semantics (such as insert, create, update, etc…).

By supporting all MySQL semantics, applications that use a MySQL server should be able to simply use a Dolt-SQL server with no disruption. Whether you are using an ODBC driver or raw SQL, in theory it should still work. You would naturally have to build in the capability for your application to take advantage of the Git capabilities or use traditional “Git-like” workflows.

By supporting all Git semantics, data should be able to be managed in a decentralized fashion using Git workflows to branch, add, diff, and merge the data. In a similar vein to GitHub, they have developed DoltHub, to provide that level of tooling expected in a standard Git user interface, such as forking, API’s, webhooks, and CI integrations.


In this brief introduction to the technology, we will create a Dolt data repository, called “simple-inventory” and run it on a dolt-sql server. If you care to follow along the only requirements are to have Docker and internet access.


Start the Docker container.

docker run -it --rm --name dolt golang:1.12.14

Install Dolt by running curl -L | bash

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go# curl -L | bash
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   601    0   601    0     0   2647      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2647
100  3038  100  3038    0     0   8392      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  8392
Installing dolt, git-dolt and git-dolt-smudge to /usr/local/bin.

You can create a Dolt data repository by creating a folder, and then initializing the repository. Just like Git, in Dolt, you need to add yourself to the Dolt config. If you are familiar with Git, these commands will be familiar, only changing the command from git to dolt, but keeping all of the other options the same.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go# mkdir simple-inventory
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go# cd simple-inventory
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt config --global --add ""
Config successfully updated.
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt config --global --add "itdependsnetworks"
Config successfully updated.
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt init
Successfully initialized dolt data repository.
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt log
commit hc8gq0434ckkjeo36rccn55mo14gk87q
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:33 +0000 2020

	Initialize data repository


Creating Tables

Ideally, if you are familiar with MySQL the only difference should be using Dolt engine instead of a MySQL server, everything should be the same. To enter the Dolt SQL server, simply use the command dolt sql.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt sql
# Welcome to the DoltSQL shell.
# Statements must be terminated with ';'.
# "exit" or "quit" (or Ctrl-D) to exit.

Create tables as you normally would, in this example, we will create two tables. The table device_inventory will have the inventory of the devices, with columns for hostname and IP address. The table vlan will have the hostname (with foreign key relationaship to the device_inventory table) column, VLAN , and name of the VLAN.

Note: Though the foreign key relationaship syntax is defined, it is not a currently supported Dolt feature.

doltsql> CREATE TABLE device_inventory (
      ->     hostname varchar(32) NOT NULL,
      ->     ip_address varchar(15) NOT NULL,
      ->     primary key (`hostname`)
      -> );
doltsql> CREATE TABLE vlan (
      ->     hostname varchar(32),
      ->     vlan int NOT NULL,
      ->     name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
      ->     PRIMARY KEY (hostname, vlan),
      ->     FOREIGN KEY (hostname) REFERENCES device_inventory(hostname)
      -> );
doltsql> exit

Here is where it starts to get interesting–we can combine these two different concepts and see how they interact. So far, the data has not been committed into master, only staged into our local environment. We can view this by issuing standard Git-like commands when we return back to the command line from the dolt-sql server.

Run the dolt statusdolt diff, and dolt diff -q commands.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt status
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "dolt add <table>" to include in what will be committed)
	new table:      device_inventory
	new table:      vlan
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt diff
diff --dolt a/device_inventory b/device_inventory
added table
diff --dolt a/vlan b/vlan
added table
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt diff -q
CREATE TABLE `device_inventory` (
  `hostname` LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'tag:0',
  `ip_address` LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'tag:1',
  PRIMARY KEY (`hostname`)
  `hostname` LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'tag:0',
  `vlan` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'tag:1',
  PRIMARY KEY (`hostname`,`vlan`)

The dolt status command shows that the schema has not “taken effect” by being merged into master. The dolt diff with optional -q flag, shows that a new table has been created. Note the additional tag parameters, this is logic to track column names, which may change over time and cause name conflicts. The new schema can be committed into master.

Issue the commands dolt add -adolt commit -m 'initial schema', and dolt log.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt add -a
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt commit -m 'initial schema'
commit 4n29eaqb1v9pmnpnda2r43fc91p1vp9l
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:41 +0000 2020

	initial schema

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt log
commit 4n29eaqb1v9pmnpnda2r43fc91p1vp9l
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:41 +0000 2020

	initial schema

commit hc8gq0434ckkjeo36rccn55mo14gk87q
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:33 +0000 2020

	Initialize data repository


Awesome! The first piece of information of the database was committed.

Adding data

Defining schema is not all the valuable without the data. Again, using standard SQL constructs we can commit the data. Let’s use proper branching strategies this time.

Create a branch and Enter dolt-sql

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt checkout -b intial_data
Switched to branch 'intial_data'
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt sql
# Welcome to the DoltSQL shell.
# Statements must be terminated with ';'.
# "exit" or "quit" (or Ctrl-D) to exit.

Add data

doltsql> INSERT INTO device_inventory (hostname, ip_address) VALUES ("nyc-sw01", "");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> INSERT INTO device_inventory (hostname, ip_address) VALUES ("nyc-sw02", "");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> INSERT INTO vlan (hostname, vlan, name) VALUES ("nyc-sw01", 10, "user");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> INSERT INTO vlan (hostname, vlan, name) VALUES ("nyc-sw01", 20, "printer");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> INSERT INTO vlan (hostname, vlan, name) VALUES ("nyc-sw01", 30, "wap");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> INSERT INTO vlan (hostname, vlan, name) VALUES ("nyc-sw02", 10, "user");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> INSERT INTO vlan (hostname, vlan, name) VALUES ("nyc-sw02", 20, "printer");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> INSERT INTO vlan (hostname, vlan, name) VALUES ("nyc-sw02", 30, "wap");
| updated |
| 1       |
doltsql> exit

Now that we have staged the data, we can view the date in two different ways. The first is via raw sql entries, and the other is more akin to a unix diff.

View the diff. In the console, diffs are actually color coded green and red for add and remove respectively.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt diff
diff --dolt a/device_inventory b/device_inventory
--- a/device_inventory @ tktob1spsoos6isfdj4o9benp9c57iic
+++ b/device_inventory @ b37haqr0n9j1e5bckj35sqt4kntojlp9
|     | hostname | ip_address |
|  +  | nyc-sw01 |   |
|  +  | nyc-sw02 |   |
diff --dolt a/vlan b/vlan
--- a/vlan @ 7f8lqlv2k9cpdth68kob9hl8atuejrpn
+++ b/vlan @ e2kovelv2sfjuo584o0v6hp76207k720
|     | hostname | vlan | name    |
|  +  | nyc-sw01 | 10   | user    |
|  +  | nyc-sw01 | 20   | printer |
|  +  | nyc-sw01 | 30   | wap     |
|  +  | nyc-sw02 | 10   | user    |
|  +  | nyc-sw02 | 20   | printer |
|  +  | nyc-sw02 | 30   | wap     |
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt diff -q
INSERT INTO `device_inventory` (`hostname`,`ip_address`) VALUES ("nyc-sw01","");
INSERT INTO `device_inventory` (`hostname`,`ip_address`) VALUES ("nyc-sw02","");
INSERT INTO `vlan` (`hostname`,`vlan`,`name`) VALUES ("nyc-sw01",10,"user");
INSERT INTO `vlan` (`hostname`,`vlan`,`name`) VALUES ("nyc-sw01",20,"printer");
INSERT INTO `vlan` (`hostname`,`vlan`,`name`) VALUES ("nyc-sw01",30,"wap");
INSERT INTO `vlan` (`hostname`,`vlan`,`name`) VALUES ("nyc-sw02",10,"user");
INSERT INTO `vlan` (`hostname`,`vlan`,`name`) VALUES ("nyc-sw02",20,"printer");
INSERT INTO `vlan` (`hostname`,`vlan`,`name`) VALUES ("nyc-sw02",30,"wap");

Personally, I’m pretty impressed with what is happening here, but there is still more to do to complete this workflow. The data needs to be committed, and merged from the “feature” branch into master branch.

Commit to the feature branch.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt add -a
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt commit -m 'initial data'
commit gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5iahog912essjhn0n
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:50 +0000 2020

	initial data


Merge into the master branch.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt branch
* master
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt merge intial_data
Updating 4n29eaqb1v9pmnpnda2r43fc91p1vp9l..gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5iahog912essjhn0n
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt log
commit gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5iahog912essjhn0n
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:50 +0000 2020

	initial data

commit 4n29eaqb1v9pmnpnda2r43fc91p1vp9l
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:41 +0000 2020

	initial schema

commit hc8gq0434ckkjeo36rccn55mo14gk87q
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:22:33 +0000 2020

	Initialize data repository


So far this is showing the “Create” part of standard CRUD operations is working, meaning we can add data to the repository.

Update Data

Naturally, as soon as data is entered, you will want to modify it. The process is the same to modify: branch, sql statements, add, commit, and merge.

Checkout a new branch, and enter Dolt SQL.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt checkout -b change_vlan
Switched to branch 'change_vlan'
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt sql
# Welcome to the DoltSQL shell.
# Statements must be terminated with ';'.
# "exit" or "quit" (or Ctrl-D) to exit.

Update the data.

doltsql> update vlan set name = "prnt" where name = "printer";
| matched | updated |
| 2       | 2       |
doltsql> exit

View the diff.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt diff
diff --dolt a/vlan b/vlan
--- a/vlan @ bjg5ou111lmu03ciu6aisphf7m6jbk1r
+++ b/vlan @ 7f8lqlv2k9cpdth68kob9hl8atuejrpn
|     | hostname | vlan | name    |
|  <  | nyc-sw01 | 20   | printer |
|  >  | nyc-sw01 | 20   | prnt    |
|  <  | nyc-sw02 | 20   | printer |
|  >  | nyc-sw02 | 20   | prnt    |
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt diff -q
UPDATE `vlan` SET `name`="prnt" WHERE (`hostname`="nyc-sw01" AND `vlan`=20);
UPDATE `vlan` SET `name`="prnt" WHERE (`hostname`="nyc-sw02" AND `vlan`=20);

A keen eye will note the captured update statements shown in the diff are not the same as the update statement inputted in the SQL server. This conversion makes sense, since the data could be merged on a different set of data that had more or less data in it. It also illustrates the complexity of building this technology.

Commit to a feature branch and merge to master.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt add -a
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt commit -m 'update data'
commit jqe3vb84fhfunn7uapksdt5thb4rr7r7
Author: itdependsnetworks <>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 04:23:03 +0000 2020

	update data

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt merge change_vlan
Updating gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5iahog912essjhn0n..jqe3vb84fhfunn7uapksdt5thb4rr7r7
root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt sql
# Welcome to the DoltSQL shell.
# Statements must be terminated with ';'.
# "exit" or "quit" (or Ctrl-D) to exit.

View the data from dolt sql.

doltsql> select * from vlan;
| hostname | vlan | name |
| nyc-sw01 | 10   | user |
| nyc-sw01 | 20   | prnt |
| nyc-sw01 | 30   | wap  |
| nyc-sw02 | 10   | user |
| nyc-sw02 | 20   | prnt |
| nyc-sw02 | 30   | wap  |

You can also view who is the owner of the data by tracking to the commit, which includes the auther, time, and commit hash metadata as well, using the dolt blame <table> command.

root@2a29f8a34dd3:/go/simple-inventory# dolt blame vlan
| HOSTNAME | VLAN | COMMIT MSG   | AUTHOR            | TIME                         | COMMIT            |
| nyc-sw01 | 30   | initial data | itdependsnetworks | Tue Jan 28 04:22:50 UTC 2020 | gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5i |
| nyc-sw02 | 10   | initial data | itdependsnetworks | Tue Jan 28 04:22:50 UTC 2020 | gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5i |
| nyc-sw02 | 20   | update data  | itdependsnetworks | Tue Jan 28 04:23:03 UTC 2020 | jqe3vb84fhfunn7ua |
| nyc-sw02 | 30   | initial data | itdependsnetworks | Tue Jan 28 04:22:50 UTC 2020 | gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5i |
| nyc-sw01 | 10   | initial data | itdependsnetworks | Tue Jan 28 04:22:50 UTC 2020 | gbt6r21mtbd0cvs5i |
| nyc-sw01 | 20   | update data  | itdependsnetworks | Tue Jan 28 04:23:03 UTC 2020 | jqe3vb84fhfunn7ua |


This is just a primer, and there is still a lot of work to be done to truly have feature parity with both MySQL and Git, but this is a great step in the right direction. I plan to continue to monitor and follow up with examples, use cases, and library updates over time. Specifically, next time, I want to extend the workflow to include DoltHub to review those capabilities as well.


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