Network Configuration Templating with Ansible – Part 4

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In Part 3 of this series we looked at macros and filters with Jinja2 templating. Now it’s time to ramp it up to the next level and look at something a little bit more like what you would see in the real world. In this post we will cover how to use complex Ansible inventories to create a hierarchy of configuration variables, and how they are inherited down into the resulting configuration. Using variable inheritance and host groups gives you the ability to flexibly assign variables to devices in a dynamic fashion based on group membership. We will see this when we get to the example at the end, where we assign variables at different levels in the hierarchy. This way we will be able to set common variables at a high level, and get more specific or override those variables at a lower point the tree.

Ansible Inventory

In order to understand variable inheritance we will use a common example of a network with multiple regions, having sites within those regions. Ansible has the concept of host groups, which can consist of hosts or other groups. These groups provide the ability to run jobs or assign specific configuration parameters to specific groups of devices. For more advanced Ansible inventory documentation, check out the Ansible docs on inventory. Most of the advanced topics of Ansible inventory, such as dynamic inventory and using multiple inventory sources, are beyond the scope of this blog post.

We’ll start off with an inventory structure set up like this (for visualization):

└── regions
    ├── central
    │   └── sites
    │       ├── chicago
    │       ├── dallas
    │       └── minneapolis
    ├── eastern
    │   └── sites
    │       └── newyork
    └── western
        └── sites
            └── phoenix

Here we can see that regions is the top-level “grouping”. Central, eastern, and western are the regions, with sites underneath each of those. We can then build an Ansible inventory in yaml that looks like this:

# inventory

Now, this looks a little scary, but it is just expanded because of the children keywords that denote child groups of the parent groups. This adds a few extra lines, but should still be readable. In a production environment it would be best to set up a file structure similar to the one in the Ansible docs – inventory where group variables go in their own files named for the group they are assigned to versus all in the same file. Another option is to use dynamic inventories, or Golden Configuration-style jobs within Nautobot. This is because this yaml file gets unwieldy rather quickly once you add a few sites and variables. In Nautobot (Golden Config plugin), you’re able to create a small yaml “inventory” (variable). These inventory files are pulled into “config contexts”, and linked to various objects in Nautobot like regions, tenants, sites, etc., with metadata. See config context docs and Golden Config Docs for more information on this. For brevity and simplicity, we will stick with a single inventory file in our examples in this post. One note: be careful with spacing/indentation in yaml; it is very important. Now that we have the basic inventory structure, we can move into assigning variables to various groupings.

Variable Assignment

In our example we are going to assign (via the vars key) a aaa server for all regions, dns and ntp servers per region, and a syslog server per site to each of the routers in our inventory. Then, in Chicago we have a different dns server that we want those devices to use instead of the regional one. Again, this is a pretty basic example, but you should be able to begin to see the ways this can be used and adapted for different use cases and environments. One thing to note here as you get into more advanced variable structures, is that there is a merge that happens in a specific order for variable scopes in Ansible. This is beyond the scope of this post, but you can read more on that here Ansible Variables – Merging. All we will need to know for this example is that the lower down the tree a variable is assigned, the higher preference it is given; and it will override variables assigned at a higher level. In our example with the dns_server assigned at the central region, will be overridden for hosts at the chicago site.

# inventory

We can run ansible-inventory --inventory=inventory.yaml --list to validate our inventory file and also view how the variables will get collapsed/merged, then applied to hosts. We can see in the hostvars section what actual variables and values will be assigned to each host in the inventory based on the inherited values. We can see that chi-router has the same ntp_server as the other central region devices, but the dns_server is different. This is because the dns_server variable assigned to the chicago site overrides the one set by the central region. We can also see the aaa_server value is the same across all devices because it was assigned in the regions host group.

    "_meta": {
        "hostvars": {
            "chi-router1": {
                "aaa_server": "",
                "ntp_server": "",
                "dns_server": "",
                "syslog_server": ""
            "dal-router1": {
                "aaa_server": "",
                "ntp_server": "",
                "dns_server": "",
                "syslog_server": ""
            "min-router1": {
                "aaa_server": "",
                "ntp_server": "",
                "dns_server": "",
                "syslog_server": ""
            "new-router1": {
                "aaa_server": "",
                "ntp_server": "",
                "dns_server": "",
                "syslog_server": ""
            "phe-router1": {
                "aaa_server": "",
                "ntp_server": "",
                "dns_server": "",
                "syslog_server": ""
    # extra lines omitted for brevity. Here you can see other information on how inventory is grouped.

Templating with Inherited Variables

Now that we have our variable and inventory structure created, we can start to look at using that inventory to create configuration sections with Jinja2 templating. We will use the same playbook from blog Part 3 (with inventory.yaml file above), to generate a configuration snippet. We will make one minor change to the playbook, which is that we’re using hosts: regions, which will target the regions host group. If we had another group at the same level (under the all group) as regions, we could target the hosts in those groups separately. If we had an inventory file like the one below, the playbook would only run against hosts inside the regions group, not the datacenters group.

# extra_groups_inventory.yaml
      {ommitted for brevity...}
      {omitted for brevity...}

Now, to our example playbook, where we will target the regions group and generate configurations for the devices within that group.

<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="# playbook.yaml – name: Template Generation Playbook hosts: regions
# playbook.yaml
- name: Template Generation Playbook
  hosts: regions   <--- This is where we can limit to specific groups
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Generate template
        src: ./template.j2
        dest: ./configs/.cfg
      delegate_to: localhost

We will use a simple template to generate the configuration lines to set the dns server, ntp server, and logging server for a Cisco device.

# template.j2
hostname {{ inventory_hostname }}
ip name-server {{ dns_server }}
logging host {{ syslog_server }}
ntp server {{ ntp_server }}
tacacs-server host {{ aaa_server }} key mysupersecretkey

We can now run the playbook with our template with the command ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml playbook.yaml. First, we see below how the file structure looks prior to running the playbook. Then we see the output of running the playbook with the command above.

# before running the playbook
├── configs
├── inventory.yaml
├── playbook.yaml
(base) {} ansible_inventory ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml playbook.yaml

PLAY [Template Generation Playbook] **************************************************************************************************

TASK [Generate template] **************************************************************************************************
changed: [phe-router1 -> localhost]
changed: [new-router1 -> localhost]
changed: [min-router1 -> localhost]
changed: [chi-router1 -> localhost]
changed: [dal-router1 -> localhost]

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************
chi-router1: ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
dal-router1: ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
min-router1: ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
new-router1: ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
phe-router1: ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

We can see the playbook generates three files in the ./configs folder, one for each router. Here we see the new file structure, and the resulting configuration files that are generated from our playbook.

# after running the playbook
├── configs
│   ├── chi-router1.cfg
│   ├── dal-router1.cfg
│   ├── min-router1.cfg
│   ├── new-router1.cfg
│   └── phe-router1.cfg
├── inventory.yaml
├── playbook.yaml
# chi-router1.cfg
hostname chi-router1
ip name-server
logging host
ntp server
tacacs-server host key mysupersecretkey
{ other tacacs config ommitted for brevity... }
# min-router1.cfg
hostname min-router1
ip name-server
logging host
ntp server
tacacs-server host key mysupersecretkey
{ other tacacs config ommitted for brevity... }
# dal-router1.cfg
hostname dal-router1
ip name-server
logging host
ntp server
tacacs-server host key mysupersecretkey
{ other tacacs config ommitted for brevity... }
# phe-router1.cfg
hostname phe-router1
ip name-server
logging host
ntp server
tacacs-server host key mysupersecretkey
{ other tacacs config ommitted for brevity... }
# new-router1.cfg
hostname new-router1
ip name-server
logging host
ntp server
tacacs-server host key mysupersecretkey
{ other tacacs config ommitted for brevity... }

In the results we can see that the routers have each inherited their syslog_server and ntp_server values from their regional variables, and chicago has overridden with the site-specific value. The aaa_server variable is shared across all regions due to its being assigned at the regions group level. We could override this for a specific host or site if we assigned the same aaa_server variable lower in the hierarchy, or if we had the datacenters group like we mentioned at the beginning of the post, we could have a different aaa server assigned to those devices by setting the variable there. Also, note how we didn’t even have to modify the variable calls in the Jinja2 template, because Ansible handles which values get applied via the variable merge process we mentioned above. This makes templates simple and clean, so they don’t require a lot of if/else logic to say “if it’s a device in this region, apply dns server X, but if it’s in another region apply dns server Y”.


This is a very simple example of variable inheritance, and should have given you a taste of what things are possible and how you might be able to apply this to your own network or environment. You can combine variables and inheritance trees within Ansible host groups in an unlimited number of ways to fit each individual or organizational need. We hope you have enjoyed this series and have found it helpful. Until next time.


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Network Configuration Templating with Ansible – Part 2

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In Part 1 of this series on configuration templating, we looked at how to take some basic configurations and extract values that can be made into variables based on different data points, such as location or device type. Now that you have a foundation of how to extract data from configurations in order to create a list of configuration variables, how do you use this information to generate configurations? The next step is looking at how to use these variables to programmatically generate the corresponding configuration files. In order to do this we use a templating language called Jinja2.


Jinja2 is a way to take template files (.j2 extension) based on the original text of a file, and do replacements of sections, lines, or even individual characters within the configuration based on a set of structured data (variables). In order to denote plain text from variable sections in the configuration, Jinja2 uses curly braces and percent signs to allow “codification” of sections of the text and double curly braces to denote variables to inject in the text.

Template Files

For example, if we look at a stripped-down version of the YAML variables from the first example in part 1 of this blog series (variables.yaml), and create a Jinja2 template file called template.j2 as follows:

# variables.yaml
    - ip: ""
    - ip: ""
    - ip: ""
# template.j2
hostname {{ inventory_hostname }}
{% for server in ntp["servers"] %}
ntp server {{ server["ip"] }}
{% endfor %}

Running this template through the Jinja2 engine would yield the following text:

# result.cfg
hostname router1
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server

You may be wondering where router1 came from in the resulting configuration. inventory_hostname is a built-in Ansible variable that references the hostname of the device (from the Ansible inventory) that is currently being worked on. See Special Varialbes – Ansible for more information.

We can see the utilization of a for statement in {% for server in ntp["servers"] %} that will loop through all the server objects in the YAML file, fill in with the {{ server["ip"] }} variable, and generate a complete line for each of the server ip addresses in the YAML data. If you are familiar with Ansible and Python, the variable syntax will look similar when working with lists and dictionaries in Jinja2. Also, note that code sections have both an opening and closing set of braces and percent signs: {% for x in y %} and {% endfor %}. The text and variables inside these two statements is what will get acted upon by the Jinja2 engine. By carefully placing these, you can be very specific on which portions of the config get templated versus just being moved through the engine verbatim.

Placement and Spacing Are Important

If we change the template.j2 file (same YAML file) to look like the following example instead, there will be a completely different result. In some configurations, the config syntax puts all the server IPs on the same line. Note, Jinja2 is very particular on spacing and indentation. Spacing and indentation will be the same as it is laid out in the Jinja2 template file. (Notice the space after {{ server }} to get spaces between the IPs.)

# template.j2
ntp server {% for server in ntp["servers"] %}{{ server }} {% endfor %}
# result.cfg
ntp server

So, placement of the code blocks can be very flexible and allow for just about any combination of raw text and structured data to be combined.


Now that we understand how to work with the structured data/variables, and how to build the Jinja2 template files, we can write an Ansible playbook to generate the configuration snippet. We assume Ansible is already installed on your machine for this.

For this demo, it’s assumed that your file structure is flat (no folders) with all files in the same folder, with the exception of the configs folder, which is where the generated configurations will be placed by Ansible. We will use the same template.j2 file that was used in the beginning of this post to generate NTP configurations for three routers.

File Structure

(base) {} ansible tree
├── configs
├── inventory
├── playbook.yaml
├── template.j2
└── variables.yaml
# inventory
# playbook.yaml
- name: Template Generation Playbook
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - ./variables.yaml

    - name: Generate template
        src: ./template.j2
        dest: ./configs/.cfg
      delegate_to: localhost

We’ll run the playbook with the following command ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yaml, and we should see three new files output in the current working directory. When not connecting to devices, it is important to use the delegate_to option, otherwise Ansible will try to SSH to the devices in your inventory and attempt to do the templating there. This normally doesn’t work for network devices, so we have the Ansible host generate the template files itself.

Playbook output:

(base) {} ansible ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yaml

PLAY [Template Generation Playbook] ***********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Generate template] ***********************************************************************************************************************
changed: [router1 -> localhost]
changed: [router3 -> localhost]
changed: [router2 -> localhost]

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************
router1                    : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
router2                    : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
router3                    : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

We now see three new files in the configs folder:

(base) {} ansible tree
├── configs
│   ├── router1.cfg
│   ├── router2.cfg
│   └── router3.cfg
├── inventory
├── playbook.yaml
├── template.j2
└── variables.yaml

If we open up one of the .cfg files, we’ll see the contents are all the same, aside from the hostname, which is specific to the device. This is because we used the inventory_hostname variable in the Jinja2 template.

# router1.cfg
hostname router1
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server
# router2.cfg
hostname router2
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server
# router3.cfg
hostname router3
ntp server
ntp server
ntp server

It is possible to do even more complex variable replacements when variable inheritance/hierarchy is used, which will be discussed later in this series. For now, you should be mostly comfortable with generating basic templates and external variable files. This method can also be extended with Ansible tasks like get_facts or textFSM to gather “live” values from devices to further enrich templates.


In Part 3 of this series, we will be covering macros and other Jinja2 functions, and how to use them in your templates.

In Part 4 of this series, we will cover advanced templating with variable inheritenace. This is how you can assign different values to variables based on a set of predefined criteria, such as location, device type, or device function.


There is also a couple pieces of software to run these templating tests outside of writing code. This way it’s possible to test even before a decision is made on how the templating will actually be run (using Python, Ansible, etc.). The first one is, written by our very own @progala! Also noteworthy; TD4A – GitHub or TD4A – Online


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Network Configuration Templating with Ansible – Part 1

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When discussing network automation with our customers, one of the main concerns that come up is the ability to audit their device configurations. This becomes especially important during the last quarter of the year, as many corporations are going through their yearly audit to obtain their required approvals for PCI or other compliance standards. Our solution for that is to use the Golden Configuration application for Nautobot, but it’s also entirely possible to use simple Ansible playbooks to perform the audit. This blog series will go over the essential pieces to understanding network configuration templating using Ansible, but the same process can easily be translated for use with Nautobot.

To start templating your configuration you must identify the feature that you wish to audit. Whether it be your DNS or NTP settings, it’s usually easier to start with small parts of the configuration before moving on to the more complicated parts, such as routing or interfaces. With a feature selected, you can start reviewing the device configurations to create your templates. For this article, we’ll use NTP configuration from an IOS router as the chosen feature:

ntp server prefer
ntp server
ntp server
clock timezone GMT 0
clock summer-time CET recurring

After you’ve identified the portions of the configuration that you wish to template for the feature, the next step is to review the configuration snippet(s) and identify the variables relevant to the configuration feature. Specifically, you want to extract only the non-platform-specific variables, as the platform-specific syntax should be part of your template with the variables abstracted away for use across platforms. Using the example above, we can extract the following bits of information:

  • three NTP server hosts
  • preferred NTP server
    • is preferred
  • time zone and offset
    • GMT
    • 0
  • daylight saving timezone
    • CET

With these variables identified, the next step is to define a schema for these variables to be stored in. For Ansible this is typically in a YAML file as host or group vars. As YAML is limited in the types of data it can document, lists and key/value pairs typically, it’s best to design the structure around that limitation. With the example above, we’d want to have a list of the NTP servers as one item with a key noting which is preferred, the timezone with offset, and the daylight saving timezone. One potential schema would be like the below:

# file: group_vars/all.yml
    - ip: ""
      prefer: true
    - ip: ""
      prefer: false
    - ip: ""
      prefer: false
    zone: "GMT"
    offset: 0
    dst: "CET"

Defining this structure is important as it will need to be flexible enough to cover data for all platforms while also being simple enough that your templates don’t become complicated. You’ll want to ensure that all other variables that are for this feature are of the same structure to ensure compatibility with the Jinja2 templates you’ll be creating in future parts of this series. It’s possible to utilize something like the Schema Enforcer framework to enable enforcement of your schemas against newly added data. This allows you a level of trust that the data provided to the templates are of the right format.

The next step, once the variables have been defined and you’ve determined a structure for them, is to understand where they belong within your network configuration hierarchy. This means that you need to understand in which circumstances these values are considered valid. Are they globally applicable to all devices or only to a particular region? This will define whether you place the variables in a device-specific variable or a group-specific one, and if in a group which group. This is especially important, as where you place the variables will define which devices inherit them and will use them when it comes time to generate configurations. For this article, we’ll assume that these are global variables and would be placed in the all group vars file. With this in mind, you’ll want to start building your inventory with those variable files. Following the Ansible Best Practices, it’s recommended to have a directory layout like so:


This should allow for clear and quick understanding of where the variables are in relation to your network fleet. This will become increasingly important as you build out more templates and adding variables. With your inventory structure built out, you can validate that the variables are assigned to your devices as expected with the ansible-invenotry -i inventory.yml --list which will return the variables assigned to each device like so:

    "_meta": {
        "hostvars": {
            "": {
                "ntp": {
                    "servers": [
                            "ip": "",
                            "prefer": true
                            "ip": "",
                            "prefer": false
                            "ip": "",
                            "prefer": false
                    "timezone": {
                        "dst": "CET",
                        "offset": 0,
                        "zone": "GMT"
            "": {
                "ntp": {
                    "servers": [
                            "ip": "",
                            "prefer": true
                            "ip": "",
                            "prefer": false
                            "ip": "",
                            "prefer": false
                    "timezone": {
                        "dst": "CET",
                        "offset": 0,
                        "zone": "GMT"
    "all": {
        "children": [
    "routers": {
        "hosts": [


This allows you to validate and ensure that the variables you’ve created are being assigned where you expect. In the next part of this series we’ll dive into how to craft a configuration template using the Jinja2 templating engine.


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