When It Comes to Automation, It’s (Still) About the Culture

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prior NTC blog post by Tim Fiola laid out the case that it is actually a company’s culture, not technical prowess, that enables automation to take hold.

This blog will dig a bit deeper into that cultural component and discuss how the culture around automation helps a company derive real value. We will discuss two primary aspects:

  • How the Network Engineer’s role changes when adopting an automation first approach
  • How an organization could be structured to derive the most value from automation

The Network Engineer’s Role Will Change, Not Disappear

One common misconception that network services organizations share is that Network Engineers are now obsolete and that automation will eliminate their jobs or require them to become developers. This is patently false.

There will always be a need for people who understand the IT infrastructure and network at a technical level.

The truth is that while the Network Engineer’s role will need to change to adapt to an automated environment, the Network Engineer’s knowledge and skills are still very much needed. This blog describes what that means in practice.

Network Engineers Do Not Need to Become Developers

Oftentimes network engineering leadership and Network Engineers themselves assume that Network Engineers need to be completely re-skilled. Repeat with us…. Network Engineers do not NEED to become software developers. In reality, a firm’s automation evolution does not necessarily mean that the Network Engineers will have to become Developers, Network Reliability Engineers, or Site Reliability Engineers. Network and software engineering are their own skill sets and need to be respected as such.

While it is true that there are additional skill sets required to run an automated IT infrastructure, the nuance here comes from the company’s size, capabilities, and ultimate goals. For example, can the company create and nurture the required skill sets in-house, or will it need to take on partners to fulfill some roles required to run an automated infrastructure?

A Network Engineer’s responsibilities in an automated environment don’t require that they become a full-time developer. At a minimum, however, those responsibilities will likely require that the Network/IT Engineer learn design-oriented thinking. Design-oriented thinking means consideration of how to break larger workflows into smaller, more manageable, and repeatable parts. Oftentimes Network Engineers develop this type of thinking when they learn basic Python, some other coding language, or programmatic tool.

Growing your skill set incrementally is an important part of your career path: it is an opportunity to maintain your relevance.

It is important here to draw an explicit distinction between learning a coding language, such as Python, versus becoming a full-time Developer: learning new incremental skills is important in any existing career path. There is no hard requirement to become a Developer, which is an entirely different career path.

Traditional Network Engineering Disciplines WILL Need to Adapt to an Automated Environment

The traditional Network Engineer who enjoys CLI or copy/paste of commands for config changes is going to be disappointed. Those tasks will not be required on any type of scale in an automated environment.

Here are some reasonable day-to-day changes in duties that a Network or IT Engineer can expect on the firm’s automation journey:

  • Examine how to automate existing workflows with design-oriented thinking
  • Employ design-oriented thinking when designing new workflows
  • Become product owners or subject-matter experts (SMEs) for network products/services
  • Write prototype scripts and then work with a developer to
    • Harden them for production
    • Make them scalable
    • Design appropriate automated testing
  • Work with developers to translate configuration and functional device requirements into configuration templates
  • Work with the broader organization to integrate Network/IT Engineering’s automation into a broader automation infrastructure
  • Understand how to improve network and IT infrastructure health with automated solutions
  • Learn enough Python/Ansible/Git/etc. to understand and trust an automated infrastructure

There will always be a need for the Network Engineer’s knowledge; it’s just that the knowledge will be expressed differently.

Notice that each of the tasks above requires an understanding of how a network operates and the mechanics that take place within a network. This brings us to a very important point: there will always be a need for the Network Engineer’s knowledge; it’s just that the knowledge will be expressed differently.

Cultural changes often meet resistance.

Take a look again at the above statement: “the knowledge will be expressed differently.” When you tell someone that the way they go about their job, which is an aspect of their way of life, is going to change, that is a cultural change. Cultural changes can be difficult and oftentimes meet resistance. This is why it’s important for a firm’s leadership to be aware of, foster, and encourage the changes.

How Should the Organization Be Structured and Managed?

The structure of an organization is perhaps the most important factor that will determine how successful an automation transformation will be.

There are several very important, interrelated factors that fold into this structure.

Trust . . .

. . . Across the Firm

Trust across the organization’s different components will ultimately dictate the scope of its automation.

Imagine a Network Engineer writing a Python script or Ansible playbook to add a VLAN to a network device and interface to make their life easier. Adding a VLAN is a task that the Engineer may do multiple times a day, and the script will allow the Engineer to spend perhaps one minute on that task that may have taken seven minutes prior.

Without trust, automation provides localized value in the silos, but it will fail to deliver strategic value back to the company.

The larger picture here deals with a workflow. It is important to focus on workflows because a workflow is how a firm transforms their resources into value. Workflows typically contain many tasks and localized bottlenecks along the way. It is the sum of these tasks and bottlenecks that determine the overall throughput that the workflow can handle.

In order to realize value from automating a given workflow, the company needs to reduce the time for each task and mitigate the bottlenecks.

In this example, the Engineer is adding a VLAN to a device and interface as part of an end-to-end service activation workflow that includes the internal end users, Network Engineering, Capacity Planning, and Procurement departments.

However, the larger company will not benefit from this localized/siloed automation because using a script to quickly add the VLAN to the device does not have a dramatic impact on the end-to-end workflow. Using the script makes the Engineer’s life easier, but doing so has a minimal impact on increasing the throughput of the end-to-end workflow.

The company at large won’t benefit from siloed automation.

The firm will not benefit unless there is trust and cooperation between groups to automate each task in the complete workflow so that the time to execute the workflow drops and the amount of times the workflow can be executed in a given period increases.

There must be trust and cooperation between groups.

. . . And in the Technology

Another aspect of trust is trust in the technology itself. If the people involved, including the Network/IT Engineers, do not trust the technology, they will not accept it. Understanding not just what the technology does, but how it operates under the hood goes a long way toward building trust in the technology. This article earlier stated that it is likely that a Network Engineer, for example, would need to learn basic Python: building trust in the technology is part of the why.

People won’t trust what they don’t understand.


One of the benefits of starting the automation journey is that it requires in-depth formal process discovery.

Here is a very common example: someone at the company is tasked with automating a given workflow, and so starts to question all the groups involved. Along the way, the person discovers that in step 5 of the workflow, there is a need for a specific IP address to be assigned to a given interface and SOMEHOW the Engineer gets that IP address.

Shadow workflows often pop up when formal workflows are not well-defined; in many instances like this, many people will just take extra steps to get the work done. These extra steps are typically never documented, which means the company is blind to the full workflow process.

Where did this specific IP address come from? In our example scenario, the IP address was not an input into the original provisioning order. After some more digging, it turns out that the person tasked with provisioning the interface in step 5 goes to a spreadsheet that is maintained by some person in another department who happens to know what IP addresses belong on a given device. Until this examination of the workflow happened, that spreadsheet and the information in it were never part of the documented workflow: it was a part of a shadow workflow.

Shadow workflows often pop up when formal workflows are not well-defined. When this happens, people responsible for executing the workflow often take the initiative to find the required information themselves, but those extra steps often don’t get documented.

Automation is not strictly about automating: it is first about understanding, and then automating.

Since automating a workflow, by definition, requires understanding all the steps, it forces the company to get a full understanding of their workflows. Automation is not strictly about automating: it is first about understanding, and then automating.


An automated organization needs to be set up to share and reuse code across silo boundaries. For example, a script to get a subnet in a workflow for a new router deployment can also be used in a workflow to deploy a new server farm. Coordinating automation that will deliver real value back to the company requires a central group to plan and coordinate workflow steps and the methodology to implement those steps in each workflow.

Change Control

Change control is perhaps one of the biggest considerations when transitioning to an automated infrastructure. The central question around automating network changes is this: does an automated change require the same process as a traditional change?

The short answer to that question is likely No. The longer answer goes back to culture:

  • What does change management really need to assess the risk of an automated change?
  • Does an automated change require the same process as a traditional (manual) change?
    • Can the company make a new process for automated changes?
  • Do the parties trust the technology and automated processes?
    • How can they build that trust? (testing, transparency, training, etc.)

Should change management look the same for both manual and automated changes?

All operations resulting in a change should be part of a larger change management strategy that considers:

  • The risk associated with a change
  • The expected impact of a successful or unsuccessful change
  • The tracking and/or auditing of changes
  • The communication of change
  • A rollout and rollback plan
  • The approval workflow and sign-off process
  • Scheduling of changes

The prior NTC blog post on culture also covers some other considerations for Human Resources and management.

Wrapping Up

Specific technology references have been conspicuously absent from this blog post. This is because automation is ultimately sustained via a cultural transformation; specific technologies are a secondary consideration. In some cases, it’s about changing what a firm does; in other cases, it’s about changing how the firm goes about doing existing things, like executing workflows. These are cultural changes that need to be fostered and encouraged across the firm, because the changes need to take place across many organizations and levels in the firm.

It is ultimately the cultural realignment within the firm, including the points discussed above, that will determine whether the automation transformation will be successful in the long run.

Arguably, we can consider a large portion of the technical part of the automation journey solved: today, firms can select the right technical components from a wide variety of options to fit into their automation architecture and needs, with more options and improvements being added as time goes on. The technology is sound. It is ultimately the cultural realignment within the firm, including the points discussed above, that will determine whether the automation transformation will be successful in the long run.

Thank you, and have a great day!

-Tim Fiola

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Why You Should Invest in Training – Part 2 – Enabling Your Team as a Network Engineering Manager

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In part 1 of this series, we covered why you should invest in training from the perspective of a Network Engineer. In part 2, we will discuss the benefits of investing in training for your team as a Network Engineering Manager.

As a Network Engineering Manager during the age of the great resignation, are you finding it difficult to retain your employees (not to mention also trying to find ways to gain greater insight and network control and stay innovative all at the same time)? The industry is growing, and there are more and more demands on managers to keep the company ship steering toward its goal.

One way to check several of these management boxes is to invest in your employees’ career development. Since the pandemic began in 2020, research has shown that companies can combat the effects of this resignation movement with a culture of learning. This decision will, in turn, ensure success for your other management goals. This is not only a move that will benefit the employees, but it’s also a way to achieve the business goals of the company, by training for improved job performance.

Person using a laptop computer from above

With network automation and other new technologies changing the network industry, there is an impending need to train top talent with the skills they need to meet the future of the workforce. And research also shows that employers that invest in their employees’ career development keep their employees longer. Those employees see their company’s dedication to their own upward mobility and will choose to stay at that company rather than search for other positions at other companies (that ultimately WILL invest in them). According to performance-management platform 15Five’s 2022 Workplace Report, nearly half of American workers say clear career growth is one of the most important factors for them to remain at a company. More than three-quarters (76%) of employees say they work harder for an employer that shows it cares about their growth as a professional than one that doesn’t.

Now that you are ready to start investing in your employees with training, _where does one start with team training and enablement these days in the network engineering/automation space? _In an industry that is constantly evolving, with the myriad of offerings available, from completely online and self-paced, to onsite, in-person options, it is hard to know which will be the most effective for your team. We have established that employers need to focus on upskilling their company’s talent, but they must also do this in ways that are manageable and fiscally feasible, while also making sure that the training program supports the company’s goals. Strategic alignment is key to developing training that will improve job performance (which, in turn, will benefit the employees).

Here are a few pieces of advice to get started:

1. Have a plan and set measurable goals.

What does “done” look like after the training is over? Have a plan and set measurable, attainable goals for your engineers. Ask yourself what specific job tasks related to network automation will each engineer do on a daily/weekly basis following the training program? Then, before the start of training, make sure those engineers know what they need to do in their jobs once they are done with the training. When employees know the bigger picture, and they see how the training will directly relate to their own job performance, they will be more invested in the learning opportunities provided.

2. Administer thorough diagnostics and assessments to truly understand where your engineers rank before and after training.

Before any training is delivered, the organization should administer an assessment that provides leaders with an understanding of where their employees rank in network automation technologies, knowledge, and skills. This will help uncover additional knowledge gaps, better evaluate student comprehension of the course material, and track engineers’ skills progress over time. At NTC, we start our diagnostics with a self-ranked assessment by the engineers, ranking their knowledge and skills from 1 (No knowledge) to 4 (Advanced- Subject Matter Expert). The organization should do an assessment before and after the training to better understand and track progress in job performance. The assessment not only provides meaningful data for you as a manager but also provides valuable information to the training entity or company to better understand which training programs (which technologies and skills) each of your engineers should start with and which training type or medium would best fit the needs of those teams (live, self-paced, or a hybrid approach).

In addition to the self-ranked assessment, it is important to include an evaluation of the training from the engineers where they have to apply their knowledge and skills, like an exam, a graded lab challenge, or if it fits with the program, a culminating hackathon—where they can apply their training in practical application. Not only does this give the managers additional data, but it allows for greater knowledge retention with the employees, especially if there are supplementary resources available for them to refer back to, like short on-demand videos, or a knowledge base, to cement the learned concepts. Practice makes perfect.

3. Allow time for learning during work hours.

Managers must ensure there is time during the workday for training, learning, and practicing skills. It is not feasible to set the precedent that your employees learn and practice network automation while also managing their regular network engineering workload—at least not at the start of their automation journey. How can you as a manager ensure there are dedicated times where they can attend a virtual workshop, complete a challenge assignment, watch self-paced modules, or attend a five-day training and also complete their job tasks? Remember, with network automation training specifically, this training investment will result in more workplace efficiency and less human error, along with other gains, so the benefits of scheduling this time in the short term will pay off in the long run.

At NTC, our Network Automation Academy provides a hybrid approach to learning for the busy network engineer in a delivery format that allows for greater retention of skills—skills that will improve job performance.

We take the time to strategically align the training program to your team’s needs. We will hold interviews with your team(s) and uncover gaps in knowledge that the right type of enablement will rectify. For example, in our Strategic Architecture and Design Analysis process with our Professional Services offering, we evaluate where enablement would support and reinforce the use of new technologies and workflows and use that enablement to increase the adoption of network automation at your company.

We offer flexible/remote learning; our experienced instructors can go onsite to one location to teach our formal training, or stay virtual if your employees are scattered across the globe. Either way, students will receive our signature 50% lecture/50% lab format. With self-paced learning options and graded challenge assignments, the engineers won’t quickly forget what they learned in that formal course. We also started a Training Credits program in 2022, allowing managers to send their engineers to our public training courses in waves so they aren’t all away from their job tasks at the same time.

Lastly, for the busy engineering team that is unable to attend even a three- to five-day network automation course, NTC Academy will build custom self-paced learning modules diving deep into your company’s unique automation environment to educate all levels of automation users (users, contributors, developers) on the specific information they need to know to succeed in your organization. Complete with knowledge quizzes and challenge assignments to measure learning and comprehension success, these modules provide that sought-after flexibility to fit into the days of busy engineer workloads. With a live guided discussion held every other week, your employees will still have the opportunity for those instructor touchpoints to keep them moving forward on their automation journey.


If you’d like to learn more about the NTC Academy and how we can skyrocket your company’s network automation journey through enablement and adoption, please visit networktocode.com/academy or email us at training@networktocode.com.


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Why You Should Invest in Training – Part 1 – As a Network Engineer

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As a network engineer, what is it that you want most out of your job? Maybe you want more engagement, or security, or higher pay. With half of employees surveyed saying they are not engaged1, the average half-life of a skill estimated to be only 4 years2, and wage growth stagnation3, where does this leave the individual contributor looking for more?

The key to improving almost every aspect of your job is training – and not just any training: training that directly improves job performance. Instead of looking at skills training as a stepping stone, what if we look at it as a journey? You might be starting out lacking the knowledge necessary to obtain your goal, and you might run into difficulties along the way; but instead of becoming discouraged and giving up, reframe your goal as a journey and you can be confident in the steps you have taken.

Let’s look at the practical application of using training as part of the career journey. Riley is a network automation engineer and has been at her company for long enough that everything feels comfortable, if a bit mundane. She sits squarely in the middle of the talent pool, capable, but not excelling. She knows that upskilling or re-skilling could help her, but with “nearly three out of four respondents worldwide say[ing] they aren’t equipped with the resources needed to learn the digital skills they need to succeed in the current and future workforce4,” and with 68% who feel intimidated when they need to learn how to use a new technology5, it is no surprise that Riley feels stuck. Here’s where the journey mindset with a focus on training helps someone like Riley.

Every journey needs a plan and preparation, and this is the point where NTC’s Network Automation Academy training becomes essential. The world of network engineering is moving at a breakneck pace. Network automation is the way of the future, and we work with customers across the globe who are investing time and money into these efforts, to lower opex, improve site reliability, increase business agility, and more–because they see the long-term benefits. Companies are looking for a workforce of engineers who support these same efforts. Companies are looking for more than self-led training certificates; they want employees who can learn new skills–especially in network automation–and implement those skills.

Here Are the Reasons NTC Academy Can Help You:

50% Lab Time Every Single Day.

If you have gone through any online training recently, you probably noticed something missing or minimized: hands-on learning and instant instructor feedback. At Network to Code, all courses and workshops have 50% lab time, ensuring that you get the necessary time to practice the skills and hit the ground running as soon as you complete the course.

You’re Joining a Collective.

Another component missing from most technical training is a sense of community, especially with today’s hybrid and remote workplaces. Learning new skills can be daunting, but when you choose Network to Code courses, you are also joining our thriving online community. Our public Slack channel has over 23,000 members and is a perfect example of a vibrant and inviting environment to ask for help or offer advice. We also regularly publish blogs ranging from general to technical topics to help you keep up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of automation.

You’re Learning from the Very Best.

To highlight the quality of our teaching for a moment, Network to Code was not only built on training, but our courses are developed by engineers and content creators that have been helping companies automate their networks for over eight years. These are people who have been in the field, utilizing the practical application of automation on a daily basis. Who better to learn from than the experts?

We Respect Your Time and Schedule.

We also realize that flexibility in training is essential. That’s why Network Automation Academy offers virtual courses as well as in-person offerings with experienced instructors well versed in the subject matter. Our instructors use proven methods of engagement for different learning styles and focus on the individual (we cap all of our courses at fifteen people). And for even more flexibility for smaller network teams that cannot take everyone out for a week of training, we offer a training credits program where credits can be applied to courses in our public schedule.

Network to Code is inviting you to join us on an automation journey fueled by training. No matter what stage you are at, from beginner to expert, we have the tools needed to galvanize you to be more efficient, gain security in your role, and position yourself for higher pay. Our community is here to support you and provide personalized help when you need it. There has never been a better time to start learning, and we hope you join us on this journey.


1 Gallup: gallup.com/workplace/236366/right-culture-not-employee-satisfaction.aspx

2 Pluralsight: pluralsight.com/resource-center/state-of-upskilling-2022

3 Pew Research: pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/

4 Salesforce: salesforce.com/news/stories/salesforce-digital-skills-index-details-major-gaps-across-19-countries/

5 UI Path: ir.uipath.com/news/detail/30/study-finds-nearly-50-of-businesses-around-the-world-will

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