Network & Security Verification With Batfish

Security & Compliance

Implement Automation Before and After Network Changes to Guarantee Network State

Using Batfish, you can build automated tests that are executed before and after network and security changed to guarantee the state of your infrastructure. You have the ability to run pre-change tests to ensure your change is not going to bring down a router, firewall, or complete fleet of devices.

Automated ACL & Security Policy Verification

Automate security changes before they happen with Batfish.
Ensure your change does not break applications and existing
firewall policies. Additionally, analyze your existing
policies to find out which policies aren’t getting used due
to organic growth, rule ordering, or ever-changing standards
and designs.

Pre-Change Network Automation

Analyze routing changes before they happen to ensure
non-stop network reachability and application performance.
Perform automated network modeling to ensure success of
every routing change on the network.

Network & Security CI/CD Pipelines with Batfish

Adopt NetDevOps principles by deploying CI/CD pipelines
powered by Batfish. Users are able to model their network
virtually in software as network data is changed in their
Git repositories. Users can update YAML data that triggers
building a new network configuration that is then analyzed
for correctness followed by running tests that ensure
network and application reachability will remain after the
change is made.

Batfish Models & Enhancements

For advanced network users and users of Batfish, NTC offers
extensive services around adding and extending existing
Batfish models to ensure you can continue to model
multi-vendor networks and have the safest and most trusted
network changes possible.

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