Introduction to a Telemetry Stack – Part 3

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This is the third part of the telemetry stack introduction. In the first part, we discussed the stack big picture and how we collect data using Telegraf and network plugins such as SNMP and gNMI. In the second part, we addressed data normalization and enrichment. In this third part, we will get into alerting and observing the network.

Alerting is an art and a science. It is a science because it can be deterministic, based on profiling data, and subjected to strong statistical analysis. It is an art because it needs to be based on strong context, subject matter expertise, and sometimes, intuition. Alerting is encountered in almost any area in computing, such as information security, performance engineering, and of course, networking. There is a multiplicity of tools for generating alerts based on AI, machine learning, and other hot technologies. But, what makes a good alert? The answer is: triggering on symptoms not causes, simplicity, visualization that can point to root cause, and actionability.

In this blog, we analyze the alerting systems’ architecture, focus on how to generate meaningful alerts with Alertmanager, and how to create clean visualizations that help us point out alerts before they even get triggered. We start with basic definitions and move to the details of implementing alerts using the Telegraf, Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager (TPGA) stack.


This blog is part of a series. You can read this independently of the series if you are familiar with the Telemetry stack TPG (Telegraf, Prometheus, Grafana) and the basics of collecting telemetry with modern techniques, such as streaming. However, you can start your journey from the beginning with Introduction to a Telemetry Stack – Part 1 and then Introduction to a Telemetry Stack – Part 2, which covers normalization and enrichment.

What Is an Alert?

An alert according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is: “an alarm or other signal of danger” or “an urgent notice.” That is exactly why an alert for a computing system has to be a meaningful signal of urgency and not constant white noise that is often ignored.

In computing, alerts are used to offer awareness of issues in a timely manner. Alerts may notify about the interruption of a service, an intrusion, or a violated baseline performance threshold. They are usually part of a monitoring system and can be paired with an automated action to reduce or eliminate the event that caused the alert.

Types of Alerts

There are two types of alerts:

  • Scheduled: Scheduled alerts occur at specific time periods. An example may be an alert for weekly maintenance of system patching.
  • Real-time: Real-time alerts are triggered by events. Events occur randomly, and therefore continuous monitoring is required to capture these.

Alert Triggers

The triggering events that generate alerts can be grouped in the following categories:

  • Status: This is a binary on/off trigger that indicates the status of a system. Context matters in the case of binary triggers regarding whether one should page a human or automation because of these alerts.
  • Threshold: These are continuous metrics that are based on the profile of normal operation. They are instantaneous violations of a continuous spectrum of values, e.g., CPU passed the threshold of 80%. Again, context matters here. Is this normal for the device or exceptional? Profiling helps define what normal operation is.
  • Aggregation: This trigger is similar to threshold, however in this case values are aggregated over a sliding time window. This can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, these triggers may offer a more complete picture in aggregating metrics for an alert. On the other hand, sliding windows have overlap, and this may cause unnecessary alerts.

How Does an Alerting System Work?

The figure below depicts how an alerting system works. The alert engine is the heart of the system and it takes three inputs: user-defined alert rules, database data related to events that can trigger the alerts, and silencing rules that are used to avoid unnecessary alerts. The output of the alert engine is a notification that is sent to outside systems, such as ChatOps, email, or incident management tools.

Alerting System Work

Metrics for a good alert?

Objective metrics are used to measure if an alert that adds value and is in turn actionable. These metrics are: the sensitivity and specificity. We define the sensitivity as “How many relevant events are reported by our alerts?” and measure it using the following formula: True_Positives / (True_Positives + False_Positives). Intuitively, if the sensitivity is high, our alert is pretty good, right? The more real alerts compared to “crying wolf” alerts, the better off we are with our pagees getting alerted and actually waking up to take care of business. We define specificity as True_Negatives / (True_Negatives + False_Negatives). Intuitively, this means that our alerts are detecting actual value and ignore the non-value adding events. In the figure below, the first half of the square calculates sensitivity and the second part specificity.

Metrics for a good alert

Implementing alerts with Alertmanager

In this section, we will review the TPGA stack used for alerting, then analyze the Alertmanager architecture, and finally we will demonstrate with examples how it can be used for alerting.

TPGA observability stack

We use the TPGA stack as seen in the figure below. We deploy two instances of Telegraf agent to collect the relevant data to our stack. This choice is common in network topologies, dedicating a lightweight agent for each device that is being monitored. In our case, each agent is monitoring an Arista cEOS router. The Telegraf gNMI plugin is used to gather interface operating status information and the execd plugin is used to capture BGP status. If you are not familiar with these plugin configurations, you can read the first part of the telemetry series. Prometheus is the Time Series Database (TSDB) of choice for its synergy with Alertmanager. Finally, Grafana is the visualization tool that we have selected since it specializes in time series depiction.


What is Alertmanager?

Alertmanager is a meta-monitoring tool that uses the Prometheus TSDB events to generate alerts. Note that the Alertmanager is a separate instance from Prometheus with a good reason. First, scalability of multiple Prometheus instances and one Alertmanager instance can achieve centralization of events and avoid excessive notifications, i.e., noise. Second, decoupling of the Alertmanager maintains modularity in the design and functionality.

The Alertmanager has three main functions:

  • Grouping: Grouping is one of its most attractive features, since it contributes to reducing noise by combining multiple alarms and bundling them to one.
  • Inhibition: This is another function that aims at reducing noise by stopping sending error alarms once an initial alarm is issued.
  • Silences: Finally, silences stop sending repeated alarms within a time window.

Alertmanager has two main parts in its architecture: the router and the receiver. An alert passes through a routing tree, i.e., set of hierarchically organized rules, and then it is distributed to the corresponding receiver.

How to Configure Alertmanager and Prometheus?

First, we need to edit the configuration.yml file that has the basic configuration of Prometheus and add the following:

# other config

  - rules/*.yml

    - static_configs:
      - targets:
        - alertmanager-01:9093

The rule files are a key to alerting, since this is where we place the alert rules in YAML syntax. In addition, the Alertmanager is defined by its name, in our case alertmanager-01, and the port 9093 where it listens. We can have a list of Alertmanager instances and rule locations.

Then the Alertmanager’s routes and receivers need to be configured in the alertmanager.yml configuration file:

  resolve_timeout: 30m

  receiver: empty_webhook
  - group_by:
    - alertname
      source: testing
    receiver: empty_webhook

- name: empty_webhook
  - send_resolved: true
    url: http://localhost:9999

Note that we have added an empty route because, for now, our alert is not going to notify another system, such as a chat client or incident response. In the last part of the telemetry series, you will see how to configure the receivers and generate notifications.

Alert Use Case 1: Interface Down

First we will show the Grafana visualization tools that we can use to alert an operator that the interface is down. I have chosen two specific types of graphs in this case. The first is a table that indicates the status of interfaces, the second is a state timeline of the status of all interfaces that belong to a device. These graphs in themselves are a good way of alerting an operator. However, we want notifications and eventually actions, that is why we need the Alertmanager.

Interface Down

To configure the Alertmanager, we add the following rule in rules/device_rules.yml and based on the above configuration of Prometheus, this rule is included into its Alertmanager instance:

<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="groups: – name: Interface Down rules: – alert: InterfaceDown expr: interface_oper_status{} == 2 for: 1m labels: severity: critical source: stack environment: Production annotations: summary: "Interface is down" description: "Interface for host
  - name: Interface Down
      - alert: InterfaceDown
        expr: interface_oper_status{} == 2
        for: 1m
          severity: critical
          source: stack
          environment: Production
          summary: "Interface is down"
          description: "Interface for host <{{ $labels.instance }}> is down!"

This alert will fire after querying the Prometheus metric interface_oper_status and finding out that the state is down or equal to 2. Note that this rule will trigger every minute based on the keyword for. We can specify different labels for additional meta information and add a meaningful message in the description. Below you can see a short demo of how the alert fires.

Interface Down

Alert Use Case 2: BGP Neighbor Unreachable

Again, a picture is worth a thousand words. In our case, the Grafana graphs offer color coded information of what is in the BGP state. The state information can be found in the list below:

IDLE = 1
BGP Neighbor Unreachable

The configuration for this alert can also be placed in: rules/device_rules.yml.

<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="groups: – name: BGP Neighbor Down rules: – alert: BGPNeighborDown expr: bgp_session_state{device="ceos-01"} == 1 for: 1m labels: severity: warning source: stack environment: Production annotations: summary: "BGP Neighbor is down" description: "BGP Neighbor for host
  - name: BGP Neighbor Down
      - alert: BGPNeighborDown
        expr: bgp_session_state{device="ceos-01"} == 1
        for: 1m
          severity: warning
          source: stack
          environment: Production
          summary: "BGP Neighbor is down"
          description: "BGP Neighbor for host <{{ $labels.instance }}> is down!"

The difference of this alert is in the severity message, and as you can see, we are only interested in the ceos-01 device neighbors based on the Prometheus query. For more information about PromQL queries and syntax, you can reference one of my older blogs, Introduction to PromQL.

BGP Neighbor Unreachable

Recap & Announcement

We have reviewed the basics of alerting systems and how to configure Prometheus and Alertmanager. If you enjoyed this series of blogs for Telemetry, this is not the end! There is one more upcoming blog about advanced alerting techniques.


We have some exciting news for you as well. If you want to learn how to setup your own telemetry stacks and scale it in production grade environments by NTC automation experts, check the NEW course on telemetry deep dive by NTC training.



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Nautobot ChatOps for Grafana

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Two of the more intriguing topics I have heard lately that also seems to resonates with network engineers and network professionals is the insight telemetry provides, and the ease of use chat platforms such as Slack and Microsoft Teams deliver to your keyboard and fingertips. The Grafana ChatOps application is designed to provide the best of both worlds. Grafana ChatOps is a Nautobot extension used with the Nautobot ChatOps base framework to provide all the operational graphs provided by Grafana delivered via chat clients.

Today, we will walk through some of the features within the Grafana ChatOps integration, as well as some of the requirements and procedures to get up and running with Grafana ChatOps.

An important note on the architecture design choices with this ChatOps app (plugin) is that chat commands are defined dynamically based on the Grafana panels and dashboards (we’ll go into this a little later). When you launch the app for the first time, you will see that no chat commands have been defined yet. You can define commands automatically or manually and tie them to specific Grafana panels within a dashboard.


The package for the Grafana ChatOps app is available on PyPI and can be installed using pip.

Prior to installing the Nautobot Grafana Plugin, you should have the following installed:

For the full installation guide, please refer to the Grafana ChatOps repo Install Guide.


Building Grafana ChatOps commands can be done using a manual or automated approach. The automated approach uses the DiffSync library to synchronize Grafana dashboards, panels, and variables with the Nautobot Grafana ChatOps plugin.

Defining Commands

To define a command within the Grafana plugin for use with your chat client, there are two main components that we need to have populated.

  • Define at least one Grafana Dashboard.
  • Define at least one Grafana Panel within the Dashboard.

This tutorial will take you through the steps noted above to get a chat command exposed in your chat client.

The first step is to define a dashboard so that the Grafana plugin is aware of the dashboard that exists within Grafana. You can define a dashboard in Grafana in two ways: defining a dashboard manually or using the “Sync” feature to synchronize your Grafana dashboards automatically.

Defining a Dashboard Manually

To define a dashboard manually, you can go to Plugins > Dashboards and click the + Add button located in the upper right of the screen. In the form for a new dashboard, you need to define the sluguid, and Friendly Name.

New Dashboard

NOTE: You can find the slug and uid info by navigating to your Grafana instance and going to the desired dashboard, 

New Dashboard

Defining a Dashboard Using the Sync Method

Alternatively, you can define a set of dashboards by synchronizing your Grafana dashboard configuration to the Grafana plugin. To synchronize dashboards, within Nautobot, navigate to Plugins > Dashboards and click the Sync button.

This process will utilize the DiffSync library to synchronize, create, update, and delete dashboards in Nautobot with the Dashboards that are defined in the Grafana application. Once complete, you will see all dashboards imported into Nautobot.

Defining Grafana Panels

The second step to defining Grafana commands in Nautobot for your chat client is to define the panels you wish to expose via chat.

Panels are closely associated to chat commands, where there will be a chat command for each panel defined.

Similar to dashboards, you can define panels in two ways within Nautobot.

Defining a Panel Manually

To define a panel manually, go to Plugins > Panels and click the + Add button located in the upper right of the screen. In the modal for a new panel, you need to select the dashboard that the panel is defined under, then add a command name, along with a friendly name, and define the Panel ID.

The Active checkbox will allow the command to show up in your chat client. If the panel is marked as inactive, it will still be defined in Nautobot, but restricted from being shown in the chat client.

new panel

NOTE: You can find the panel id by navigating to your desired panel, selecting View, then looking at the URL. 

New Panel

Defining Panels Using the Sync Method

Alternatively, you can define a set of panels by synchronizing your Grafana panels configuration for a given dashboard to the Grafana plugin. To synchronize panels for a dashboard, within Nautobot, navigate to Plugins > Panels and click the Sync button.

This process will utilize the DiffSync library to synchronize, create, update, and delete panels in Nautobot with the Dashboard Panels that are defined in the Grafana application. Once complete, you will see all panels for a dashboard imported into Nautobot.

Panels are synchronized on a per-dashboard basis. All panels synchronized will be INACTIVE by default, you will need to set them to active to see them in Chat.

Once your dashboard and panels have been defined, and you activate the panels you wish to expose to the chat client, you will be able to see the available chat commands, as well as run commands to generate your panels. Chat Example

Advanced Usage

Additional functionality can be added to the Grafana ChatOps plugin if you have variables defined on your dashboards. Panel variables can also be imported via the “Sync” functionality and associated with a panel. Then you can go in and customize how the variables behave and even enrich the ChatOps experience using Nautobot as a Source of Truth for your variables!

To read more on the advanced usage of the Grafana ChatOps plugin with panel variables, refer to the Advanced Usage Guide in the repository.


ChatOps has given a conduit to retrieve and respond interactively using a platform that is already in place and used for communication across almost any device, while Grafana has provided a feature-rich observability platform. With the Nautobot Grafana integration, we can now have the best of both worlds. Let us know how you’re using the Grafana ChatOps or if you have any questions or issues in the GitHub repo.

-Josh Silvas

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New Book – Open Source Network Management

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Earlier this month, I was able to hit the publish button on a new book – Open Source Network Management. The book dives into getting started with several open source network management tools. It is meant as a guide to help further your experience with using and installing open source tools, all on a single VM/host. The size of the host is meant to have minimal capital investment, in the way of a single NUC or a minimal VM deployed on a hypervisor in your environment.

The book is published on LeanPub, which is a publish early, publish often marketplace. The book is digital only, with PDF, ePub, and mobi formats available. Currently, the book is indicating 80% completeness, with most of the technical content in place already! There are mainly soft edits in this early version.


Several open source projects are covered in the book, starting out with installing Docker Community Edition (CE), then adding Docker Compose files to handle installation of the tools. After the Docker Compose is up, there is also a basic configuration to get up and running, actually using the project, including:

Current Projects Included in the Book:

  • Nautobot (Source of Truth)
  • Hashicorp Vault (Secrets Management)
  • Telegraf (Metrics Gathering)
  • Prometheus (Metrics Storage and Alerting)
  • Grafana (Metrics Visualization)
  • NGINX (Web Server/Reverse Proxy)

With these components in place, a modern network management stack can be assembled with minimal investment.

Projects Selection

These lightweight projects have the capability to run on a single host in order get up and running. Yet, even though these projects are lightweight, they all are able to scale out to meet the needs of Enterprise and Large Enterprise.

Planned Additions

Upcoming additions to the book include installing a Git application such as Gitea, adding in more Nautobot apps such as the Golden Configuration app (which requires a Git repo for configuration backup) and Welcome Wizard.

As time allows, more additions and tools will be added, such as those for looking at alternative metrics gathering solutions and other configuration backup solutions.

Opportunity to Get Your Own for Free

As part of the NTC desire to give back to the community, there is an opportunity to get your own copy of the book for free. To do so, join the Network to Code mailing list and select the Get my free copy! button.

There will be a limited quantity available.

There may be some delay in the code being sent to you.


Hopefully, the content in the book is helpful! I enjoyed putting it together!


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