Introducing the Bootstrap Integration for the Nautobot SSoT App

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With the v3.2.0 release of the Nautobot SSoT App, a new integration has been added. Presenting Bootstrap, a faster and better way to get Nautobot from 0 to 60. 

What is Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a new Single Source of Truth (SSoT) integration that is included with the Nautobot SSoT app ( This app is a home to multiple integrations which allow a user to sync known information from other Systems of Record (SoR) and represent that information in Nautobot. The beauty is when this information can be aggregated from multiple sources and normalized by Nautobot, which then creates a strong launching pad for automation. You can read more about SSoT with Nautobot here ( The goal of the Bootstrap integration is to take a fresh Nautobot instance and a couple of YAML files, and “bootstrap” Nautobot to a point where a user can begin adding devices. In a fresh Nautobot instance there are a number of things that are required to be implemented before a Device can be created. For example, manufacturer, platform, location, and location type. The primary goal of the Bootstrap SSoT integration is to quickly add these basic components to Nautobot and reduce the administrative burden on the user. 

Another use of Bootstrap can be to keep these same set of components synchronized between Nautobot instances. This will be discussed later in more detail, but in a nutshell, if you have development, staging, and production instances of Nautobot and need those same set of objects in each environment, you only have to build the YAML file once, then run the Bootstrap to Nautobot job in each instance to create all the objects. 

The final intended use case for Bootstrap is a partial backup of Nautobot data and/or quick creation of local development instances. Ideally, the YAML files should be stored in Git, these can be quickly restored to a fresh installation of Nautobot in the event of database or application corruption. Ideally, device information is stored in another system and a separate SSoT integration can be used to restore that part of the data. The same goes for local development environments and being able to quickly and repeatedly create local environments with actual data instead of creating a bunch of random devices and locations, etc…

What information can be managed with Bootstrap

Currently there are 30 Nautobot models that can be managed with the Bootstrap SSoT integration, with more planned. Each of these models can be enabled/disabled via configuration settings so only what’s needed is processed. As of the writing of this blog (October 2024) here is the list of objects supported:

  • Secret
  • SecretsGroup
  • GitRepository
  • DynamicGroup
  • ComputedField
  • Tag
  • GraphQlQuery
  • Software
  • SoftwareImage
  • ValidatedSoftware
  • TenantGroup
  • Tenant
  • Role
  • Manufacturer
  • Platform
  • LocationType
  • Location
  • Team
  • Contact
  • Provider
  • ProviderNetwork
  • CircuitType
  • Circuit
  • CircuitTermination
  • Namespace
  • RIR
  • VLANGroup
  • VLAN
  • VRF
  • Prefix

Getting started with Bootstrap

There are more detailed instructions within Nautobot Docs This overview is intended to be a high level presentation of the basic pieces of the setup. Step one is to get the Nautobot SSoT app installed, environment variables set, and set the configuration in since that part requires a reboot of the Nautobot application (for an existing installation). The Nautobot config file should include the following information, modified for your needs. These options should be added to the nautobot_ssot: dictionary under the PLUGINS_CONFIG section of the file.

"bootstrap_nautobot_environment_branch": os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_BOOTSTRAP_SSOT_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH", "develop"),
"bootstrap_models_to_sync": {
   "secret": True,
   "secrets_group": True,
   "git_repository": True,
   "dynamic_group": True,
   "computed_field": True,
   "tag": True,
   "graph_ql_query": True,
   "software": False,
   "software_image": False,
   "validated_software": False,
   "tenant_group": True,
   "tenant": True,
   "role": True,
   "manufacturer": True,
   "platform": True,
   "location_type": True,
   "location": True,
   "team": True,
   "contact": True,
   "provider": True,
   "provider_network": True,
   "circuit_type": True,
   "circuit": True,
   "circuit_termination": True,
   "namespace": True,
   "rir": True,
   "vlan_group": True,
   "vlan": True,
   "vrf": True,
   "prefix": True,
"enable_bootstrap": is_truthy(os.getenv("NAUTOBOT_SSOT_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP", "false")),

The 2 important environment variables required are NAUTOBOT_BOOTSTRAP_SSOT_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH and NAUTOBOT_SSOT_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP. NAUTOBOT_SSOT_ENABLE_BOOTSTRAP should be set to True to enable the integration and NAUTOBOT_BOOTSTRAP_SSOT_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH should be set to the name of the environment you are deploying (development, staging, production, etc). The value of the environment branch variable will need to match the filename of the environment-specific yaml file, which we will get to in the next section. See Nautobot Docs for instructions on installing apps.  We can see here we have a fresh Nautobot instance with no objects created.

The YAML Files

The next step is to create the YAML representation of the data that’s needed within Nautobot. In this example we will look at just a couple of items (see Nautobot Docs for full examples) Locations, Location Types, Git Repositories, and Tenants. These are common items to have created within Nautobot and are some of the prerequisites to create a Device object. It is highly recommended to utilize a Git Repository to manage this data and that is what this example will use. Once your Git Repository is created, we will create 4 files global_settings.yml, development.yml, staging.yml, production.yml. These should be in the root of the repository as follows:

├── development.yml
├── global_settings.yml
├── production.yml
└── staging.yml

We’ll start with addressing global_settings.yml, development.yml, staging.yml, production.yml as those are the most simple. They will all be nearly the same as there is currently only one key inside these files which is git_branch:. This key is the default branch name that will be set for any Git Repository objects created in Nautobot using the Bootstrap integration. If the branch: key is set on a Git Repository in global_settings.yml that will override the key from the environment-specific files.  For example, the environment-specific files should be set up as follows for our example. These files can be named whatever you’d like, just ensure the environment variable NAUTOBOT_BOOTSTRAP_SSOT_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH matches the filename (minus the .yml extension) as that is how the App looks up the file to load information.

# development.yml

git_branch: "development"
# staging.yml

git_branch: "staging"
# production.yml

git_branch: "production"

The next file we will create is the global_settings.yml file. The information we will use for this example will be as follows (see Docs for more examples).

# global_settings.yml

  - name: "Region"
    parent: ""
    nestable: True
    description: ""
    content_types: []
  - name: "Site"
    parent: "Region"
    nestable: True
    description: ""
      - "dcim.device"
      - "ipam.namespace"
      - "ipam.prefix"
      - "ipam.vlan"
      - "ipam.vlangroup"
      - "circuits.circuittermination"
  - name: "Building"
    parent: "Site"
    nestable: False
    description: ""
      - "dcim.device"
      - "ipam.namespace"
      - "ipam.prefix"
      - "ipam.vlan"
      - "ipam.vlangroup"
      - "circuits.circuittermination"
  - name: "Southeast"
    location_type: "Region"
    parent: ""
    status: "Active"
    facility: ""
    time_zone: "US/Eastern"
    description: ""
    tenant: ""
    physical_address: ""
    shipping_address: ""
    contact_name: ""
    contact_phone: ""
    contact_email: ""
    tags: []
- name: "Atlanta"
    location_type: "Site"
    parent: "Southeast"
    status: "Active"
    facility: "AT1"
    asn: 65001
    time_zone: "US/Eastern"
    description: ""
    tenant: ""
    physical_address: |
      180 Peachtree St NE
      FL 2 , FL 3 , FL 6
      Atlanta, GA 30303
      United States
    shipping_address: |
      Example Company
      180 Peachtree St NE
      Loading Dock 1
      Atlanta, GA 30303
      United States
    contact_name: ""
    contact_phone: ""
    contact_email: ""
    tags: []
  - name: "Atlanta4"
    location_type: "Site"
    parent: "Southeast"
    status: "Active"
    facility: "AT4"
    asn: 65004
    time_zone: "US/Eastern"
    description: ""
    tenant: ""
    physical_address: |
      450 Interstate to N PKWY
      Atlanta, GA 30339
      United States
    shipping_address: |
      Example Company
      450 Interstate to N PKWY
      Loading Dock 1
      Atlanta, GA 30339
      United States
    contact_name: ""
    contact_phone: ""
    contact_email: ""
    tags: []
  - name: "Backbone Config Contexts"
    url: ""
    branch: "main"
    secrets_group_name: "Github_Service_Account"
      - "config contexts"
  - name: "Datacenter Config Contexts"
    url: ""
    secrets_group_name: "Github_Service_Account"
      - "config contexts"
  - name: "Metro Config Contexts"
    url: ""
      - "config contexts"
  - name: "Access Config Contexts"
    url: ""
      - "config contexts"
  - name: "Backbone"
    tenant_group: "Group1"
    description: ""
    tags: []
  - name: "Datacenter"
    tenant_group: "Group2"
    description: ""
    tags: []

As you can see from the example data, each object has a key that corresponds to the Nautobot model to be created. Each key is a list of objects with a certain set of attributes. All attributes should be included even if they are blank. Once these 4 files are created, push them into the Git repository and we’ll then add this repository to Nautobot in the next step. 

Sync Data

Once the Nautobot SSoT app is installed, the YAML data/Repository is ready, and the Bootstrap integration is enabled, the next step is to create a Git Repository in Nautobot that has the word Bootstrap in the name and has a “Provided Contents Type” of Config Contexts (create and select a secrets group as needed for authentication to the repository). 

Once the repository has been synchronized, you can go into Jobs > Jobs > Bootstrap to Nautobot and run the job. Select options as necessary. If you leave the Load Source as Environment Variable it will load from file or git based on the environment variable set. Otherwise if you select file or git in the UI it will override the environment variable setting.

After running the job we see objects created by looking in the SSoT Sync Details in the job results view.

As well as on the Nautobot main dashboard.

You now have some of the basic objects created in Nautobot in a matter of minutes. Plus, now that you have this data, the same information can be deployed to staging and production systems by just changing the NAUTOBOT_BOOTSTRAP_SSOT_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH in those deployments, adding the Bootstrap data repository, and running the Bootstrap to Nautobot job. This also goes for creating consistent development environments between engineers or for yourself. Over time new objects can be added or removed and the App will handle keeping those items up to date. 

Note: This plugin does not override model inheritance/dependencies, or identifiers within the database itself. For example if you want to remove a Location Type that has Locations assigned to it, you would need to first either delete those locations or assign them to another location type before the App can delete the Location Type. 

You should now have a basic understanding of how the new Bootstrap SSoT Integration works within Nautobot and should be able to manage the supported items within your own Nautobot instance.


We welcome feedback and suggestions on future plans for this plugin via Github Pull Requests or Github Issues.

-Zach Biles

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Introducing Cookiecutter Project Templates to Support Nautobot App Development for Network Automation

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In June of 2022 Network to Code announced the opensourcing of a Cookiecutter project that contains a project template ChatOps integrations to help in the initial bootstrapping of a Nautobot ChatOps App. The Nautobot ChatOps Cookiecutter announcement post can be found here. This first cookie helped to lower the barrier for entry when it came to developing new ChatOps integrations AND made it possible to have baseline standards on things like local development environments, docs structure (with docs already built for installation), administration, and contributing.

Two New Cookies and a New Home for Another

Today we are announcing that we are doubling down on the benefits of Cookiecutter and are opensourcing a new Cookiecutter repository that contains three separate cookies. Two of the cookies are new to open sourcing and the original ChatOps cookie is getting a new home within this same repository!

Nautobot App

Nautobot App cookie is broadly applicable to most Nautobot Apps you may develop and provides the initial scaffolding for building additional models for your Nautobot App. This cookie provides a question when baking the cookie for a Model Class Name. If provided, a simple model class will be created with name and description fields on the model along with all standard components, to have a fully functioning set of UI and API views.

Nautobot App SSoT

Nautobot App SSoT is a superset of the Nautobot App cookie, as it provides the same capability to automatically generate a model with all required components in order to have a fully functioning set of UI and API views to support a network source of truth. In addition to features provided by Nautobot Apps cookie, this cookie will also build out the Network to Code recommended folder and file structure for developing an SSoT App as well as the required Nautobot SSoT Jobs (creates both Data Source and Data Target Jobs). This includes the initial creation of DiffSync adapters, models, and utils along with their use in the Nautobot SSoT Jobs.

Nautobot App ChatOps

Nautobot App ChatOps cookie is also a superset of the Nautobot App cookie but instead provides a base command and a hello_world subcommand along with the required settings in the pyproject.toml that are used to inform the Nautobot ChatOps App that an additional base command is registered as part of this app. This cookie was previously open sourced as its own Cookiecutter repository but has now been migrated to the new repository, and the old repository has been archived.

Why the New Repository?

As the amount of open source projects Network to Code maintains continues to expand, we are evaluating how to be as effective as possible in the care and feeding that is required for maintaining any open source project. This also is factoring in things like continual maintenance of standards when it comes to docs structure, how to interface with development environments, and CI workflow standards. With the new repository, we are able to provide the same standard for three separate cookies and the use of symbolic links. This allows a change to a single file to immediately be applicable to all cookies in the repository. By providing this functionality we are able to avoid drift between all cookies, as the symbolic links all point back to one overarching standard!

Codified Standards

With the open sourcing of more cookies for Nautobot Apps, Network to Code has also built an internal Drift Management process that is already helping to keep Nautobot Apps maintained by Network to Code all at the same standard, no matter when the cookie was baked.


This helps to improve developer experience across all of our Official Nautobot Apps and ensure consistent standards for testing, basic docs, and CI!

-Jeremy White

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