Last Month in Nautobot – March 2024

Welcome to our monthly Nautobot community update! We’ll dive into the latest updates across the Nautobot community, highlighting the key milestones, releases, and noteworthy contributions. From new features and enhancements to bug fixes and events, there’s always something happening in our dynamic ecosystem. Open source is at the core of our values, empowering individuals and organizations to collaborate, innovate, and make a positive impact together. This monthly blog post is our way of celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of our Nautobot community members.

With the release of Nautobot 2.1.9 and 1.6.16 came new requirements for pynautobot to include an authentication token for some initial calls that were not previously required. So to make sure that pynautobot (and subsequently Nautobot Ansible) and Nautobot Helm Chart work with the most recent version of Nautobot, new versions have been released. Read more in the blog post here.

Nautobot Core

Releases – Stable

  • Nautobot: v2.2.0 – 2024-03-29
    • Contact and Team Models (#230): Contact and Team are models that represent an individual and a group of individuals who can be linked to an object. Contacts and teams store the necessary information (name, phone number, email, and address) to uniquely identify and contact them. They are added to track ownerships of organizational entities and to manage resources more efficiently in Nautobot. Check out the documentation for Contact and Team.
    • Controller Model (#3111): Controller models have been added to the dcim app. A Controller in Nautobot is an abstraction meant to represent network or SDN (Software-Defined Networking) controllers. These may include, but are not limited to, wireless controllers, cloud-based network management systems, and other forms of central network control mechanisms. For more details, refer to the documentation for the Controller model.
    • Device Family Model (#3559): A Device Family represents a group of related Device Types. A Device Type can be optionally assigned to a Device Family.
    • Jobs Tile View (#5129): Job list is now available in two display variants: list and tiles. List is a standard table view with no major changes introduced. Tiles is a new type of view, displaying jobs in a two-dimensional grid.
    • Prefix and VLAN Many Locations (#4334#4412): The Prefix and VLAN models have replaced their single location foreign-key field with a many-to-many locations field, allowing multiple Locations to be attached to a single Prefix or VLAN.
    • Software Image File and Software Version models (#1): New models have been added for Software Image Files and Software Versions. These models are used to track the software versions of Devices, Inventory Items, and Virtual Machines and their associated image files. These models have been ported from the Device Lifecycle Management App, and a future update to that app will migrate all existing data from the nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.SoftwareImageLCM and nautobot_device_lifecycle_mgmt.SoftwareLCM models to the dcim.SoftwareImageFile and dcim.SoftwareVersion models added here.
    • Syntax Highlighting (#5098): Language syntax highlighting for GraphQL, JSON, XML, and YAML is now supported in the UI via JavaScript.
    • Data Imports as a System Job (#5064): The CSV import functionality for all models has been changed from a synchronous operation to an asynchronous background task (system Job). As a result, imports of large CSV files will no longer fail due to browser timeout.
    • Plugin to App Renames (#5341): Installed Plugins view has been renamed to Installed AppsPlugin terminologies in Installed Plugins (now Installed Apps) view and dependent views have been changed to App throughout.
    • Standardization of max_length on all Charfields (#2906): Model CharFields’ max_length attributes have been standardized globally to have at least 255 characters except where a shorter max_length is explicitly justified.
  • Nautobot: v2.1.9 – 2024-03-25
    • #5450 – Updated django to ~3.2.25 due to CVE-2024-27351
    • #5464 – Added requirement for user authentication to multiple URLs
    • #5464 – Added narrower permissions enforcement to multiple URLs
    • #5464 – Removed the URL endpoints /api/users/users/my-profile/, /api/users/users/session/, /api/users/tokens/authenticate/, and /api/users/tokens/logout/ as they are unused at this time
    • #5413 – Updated Device “LLDP Neighbors” detail panel to handle LLDP neighbors with MAC address as port-id
  • Nautobot: v2.1.8 – 2024-03-18
    • #1102 – Added CELERY_BEAT_HEARTBEAT_FILE settings variable
    • #5228 – Added the option to configure and enforce validation_minimum and validation_maximum as length constraints on a Custom Field of type TextURLJSONMarkdownSelection, or Multiple Selection
    • #5228 – Added the option to configure and enforce validation_regex as a constraint on valid choice definitions for a Custom Field of type Selection or Multiple Selection
    • #5400#5401#5402 – Added multiple power-port, power-outlet, front port, rear port, and interface types
    • #5228 – Removed the hard-coded 255-character limit on custom fields of type Text
  • Nautobot: v2.1.7 – 2024-03-05
    • #5387 – Fixed an error in the Dockerfile that resulted in pyuwsgi being installed without SSL support
  • Nautobot: v2.1.6 – 2024-03-04
    • #5319 – Updated cryptography to 42.0.4 due to CVE-2024-26130. This is not a direct dependency so will not auto-update when upgrading. Please be sure to upgrade your local environment
    • #5172 – Added Collapse Capable Side Navbar: Side Navbar is now able to be expanded and collapsed
    • #5172 – Multiple UI changes for a better mobile experience

Releases – LTM 1.6

Apps Ecosystem



Do you have any cool Nautobot-related project we should write about? Swing by the Network to Code Slack -> channel #nautobot and write us a quick line! Sign up here if you don’t have an account.

-Cristian and Gary

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