How to Monitor Your VPN Infrastructure with Netmiko, NTC-Templates, and a Time Series Database

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With many people being asked to work from home, we have heard several customers looking to enhance the visibiility and monitoring of their VPN infrastructure. In this post I will show you how you can quickly collect information from your Cisco ASA firewall leveraging Netmiko, NTC-Templates (TextFSM), combined with Telegraf/Prometheus/Grafana. The approach would work on other network devices, not just Cisco ASAs. Considering the recent demand for ASA information, we will use this as an example.

Here is what the data flow will look like:

  • Users will connect to the ASA for remote access VPN services
  • Python: Collects information from the device via CLI and gets structured data by using a NEW template to parse the CLI output. This is presented via stdout in Influx data format
  • Telegraf: Generic collector that has multiple plugins to ingest data and that can send data to many databases out there.
    • INPUT: Execute the Python script every 60s and read the results from stdout.
    • OUTPUT: Expose the data over HTTP in a format compatible with Prometheus
  • Prometheus: Time Series DataBase (TSDB). Collects the data from Telegraf over HTTP, stores it, and exposes an API to query the data
  • Grafana: Solution to build dashboards, natively support Prometheus to query data.

An alternative to creating this Python script, you could have looked at using the Telegraf SNMP plugin as well. An SNMP query would be quicker than using SSH and getting data if you want basic counts. In this you will see that you can get custom metrics into a monitoring solution without having to use only SNMP.

Execution of Python

If executing just the Python script without being executed by Telegraf, this is what you would see:

$ python3 --host
asa connected_users=1i,anyconnect_licenses=2i

This data will then get transformed by Telegraf into an output that is usable by Prometheus. It is possible to remove the requirement for Telegraf and have Python create the Prometheus Metrics. We wanted to keep the Python execution as simple as possible. To use the prometheus_client library check out their Github page.

Python Script

In this post we have the following components being used:

  • Python:
    • Netmiko to SSH into an ASA, gather command output, and leverage the corresponding NTC Template
    • NTC Template which is a TextFSM template for parsing raw text output into structured data
  • Telegraf: Takes the output of the Python script as an input and translates it to Prometheus metrics as an output

Python Requirements

The Python script below will have the following requirements set up before hand:

  • ENV Variables for authentication into the ASA
    • ASA_USER: Username to log into the ASA
    • ASA_PASSWORD: Password to log into the ASA
    • ASA_SECRET (Optional): Enable password for the ASA, if left undefined will pick up the ASA_PASSWORD variable
  • Required Python Packages:
    • Netmiko: For SSH and parsing
    • Click: For argument handling – to get the hostname/IP address of the ASA
  • Github Repository for NTC-Templates setup in one of two ways:
    • Cloned to user home directory cd ~ and git clone
    • NET_TEXTFSM Env variable set NET_TEXTFSM=/path/to/ntc-templates/templates/

The specific template is the newer templatefor cisco asa show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect introduced March 18, 2020

Python Code

There are two functions used in this quick script:

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Python application to gather metrics from Cisco ASA firewall and export them as a metric for Telegraf
from itertools import count
import os
import sys
import re
import click
from netmiko import ConnectHandler

def print_influx_metrics(data):
    The print_influx_metrics function takes the data collected in a dictionary format and prints out
    each of the necesary components on a single line, which matches the Influx data format.

        data (dictionary): Dictionary of the results to print out for influx
    data_string = ""
    cnt = count()
    for measure, value in data.items():
        if next(cnt) > 0:
            data_string += ","
        data_string += f"{measure}={value}i"

    print(f"asa {data_string}")

    return True

def get_anyconnect_license_count(version_output):
    Searches through the `show version` output to find all instances of the license and gets the
    output into integers to get a license count.

    Since there could be multiple ASAs in a cluster or HA pair, it is necessary to gather multiple data
    points for the license count that the ASAs are licensed for. This function uses regex to find all of
    the instances and returns the total count based on the `show version` command output.  

        version_output (String): Output from Cisco ASA `show version`
    pattern = r"AnyConnect\s+Premium\s+Peers\s+:\s+(\d+)"
    re_list = re.findall(pattern, version_output)

    total_licenses = 0
    for license_count in re_list:
        total_licenses += int(license_count)

    return total_licenses

# Add parsers for output of data types
@click.option("--host", required=True, help="Required - Host to connect to")
def main(host):
    Main code execution
    # Get ASA connection Information
        username = os.environ["ASA_USER"]
        password = os.environ["ASA_PASSWORD"]
        secret = os.getenv("ASA_SECRET", os.environ["ASA_PASSWORD"])
    except KeyError:
        print("Unable to find Username or Password in environment variables")
        print("Please verify that ASA_USER and ASA_PASSWORD are set")

    # Setup connection information and connect to host
    cisco_asa_device = {
        "host": host,
        "username": username,
        "password": password,
        "secret": secret,
        "device_type": "cisco_asa",
    net_conn = ConnectHandler(**cisco_asa_device)

    # Get command output for data collection
    command = "show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect"
    command_output = net_conn.send_command(command, use_textfsm=True)

    # Check for no connected users
    if "INFO: There are presently no active sessions" in command_output:
        command_output = []

    # Get output of "show version"
    version_output = net_conn.send_command("show version")

    # Set data variable for output to Influx format
    data = {"connected_users": len(command_output), "anyconnect_licenses": get_anyconnect_license_count(version_output)}

    # Print out the metrics to standard out to be picked up by Telegraf

if __name__ == "__main__":


Now that the data is being output via the stdout of the script, you will need to have an application read this data and transform it. This could be done in other ways as well, but Telegraf has this function built in already.

Telegraf will be setup to execute the Python script every minute. Then the output will be transformed by defining the output.

Telegraf Configuration

The configuration for this example is as follows:

# Globally set tags that shuld be set to meaningful tags for searching inside of a TSDB
hostname = "demo"

  device = ""
  region = "midwest"

  ## Interval is how often the execution should occur, here every 1 min (60 seconds)
  interval = "60s"
  # Commands to be executed in list format
  # To execute against multiple hosts, add multiple entries within the commands
  commands = [
      "python3 --host"

  ## Timeout for each command to complete.
  # Tests in lab environment next to the device with local authentication has been 6 seconds
  timeout = "15s"

  ## Measurement name suffix (for separating different commands)
  name_suffix = "_parsed"

  ## Data format to consume.
  ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
  ## More about them here:
  data_format = "influx"

# Output to Prometheus Metrics format
# Define the listen port for which TCP port the web server will be listening on. Metrics will be
# available at "http://localhost:9222/metrics" in this instance.
# There are two versions of metrics and if `metric_version` is omitted then version 1 is used
  listen = ":9222"
  metric_version = 2

Telegraf Output Example

Here is what the metrics will look like when exposed, without the default Telegraf information metrics.

# HELP asa_parsed_anyconnect_licenses Telegraf collected metric
# TYPE asa_parsed_anyconnect_licenses untyped
asa_parsed_anyconnect_licenses{device="",host="demo",region="midwest"} 2
# HELP asa_parsed_connected_users Telegraf collected metric
# TYPE asa_parsed_connected_users untyped
asa_parsed_connected_users{device="",host="demo",region="midwest"} 1

There are two metrics of anyconnect_licenses and connected_users that will get scraped. There are a total of 2 Anyconnect licenses available on this firewall with a single user connected. This can now get scraped by the Prometheus configuration and give insight to your ASA Anyconnect environment.

Prometheus Installation

There are several of options for installing a Prometheus TSDB (Time Series DataBase)including:

  • Precompiled binaries for Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • Docker images
  • Building from source

To get more details on installation options take a look at the Prometheus Github page.

Once installed you can navigate to the Prometheus API query page by going to http://<prometheus_host>:9090. You will then be presented with a search bar. This is where you can start a query for your metric that you wish to graph, such as start typing asa. Prometheus will help with an autocomplete set of options in the search bar. Once you have selected what you wish to query you can select Execute. This will give you a value at this point. To see what the query looks like over time you can select Graph next to the world console to give you a graph over time. Grafana will then use the same query language to add a graph.

Once up and running, you add your Telegraf host to the scraping configuration and Prometheus will start to scrape the HTML page provided and add the associated metrics into its TSDB.

A good video tutorial for getting started with Prometheus queries with network equipment can be found on YouTube from NANOG 77

Grafana Installation

Grafana is the dashboarding component of choice in the open source community. Grafana is able to use several sources to create graphs including modern TSDBs of InfluxDB and Prometheus. With the latest release, Grafana can even use Google Sheets as a datasource.

As you get going with Grafana there are pre-built dashboards available for download.

TYou will want to download Grafana to get started. There are several installation methods available on their download page including options for:

  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Docker
  • ARM (Raspberry Pi)

The Prometheus website has an article that is helpful for getting started with your own Prometheus dashboards.

If the video just above this link does not show up, you can see the video on the Network to Code YouTube.

In the next post you can see how to monitor websites and DNS queries will include how to alert using this technology stack.


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Using NTC Templates in Ansible

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Network to Code has a repository created for maintaining templates that help to convert unstructured output from network devices into structured data. Google created TextFSM that provides a custom DSL to take command line output and return as structured data. Examples range from getting an output from a show lldp neighbor command and returning the list of neighbors to getting a list of addresses in an ARP table. This post is going to dive deeper into how to use these to get the data with Ansible.

You can find more about the ntc-templates on our Github page. These are templates that have been created by both Network to Code and by the community. It is an open source project that anyone is able to contribute a template to if there is not a template already created. Take a look at the readme for how you can help contribute to NTC Templates!

Other Methods

Ansible is not the only method for using TextFSM to get structured data returned from network device output. Several Python libraries such as Netmiko and Nornir are able to use TextFSM to return structured data by setting a flag to use TextFSM as well.

Using NTC-Templates with Ansible

There are two primary methods for sending data through a TextFSM parser in Ansible. You will get to see examples for both of these. The first method available is to use the TextFSM Filter. The second is in conjunction with the Ansible Galaxy role Network Engine.

Getting Started

The first step towards leveraging these templates is getting the templates on to a compute device that is running Ansible. For this demo, we’ll be using a local machine and Git to clone the repository to a local directory.

git clone

Next you will need to install TextFSM to the same Python interpreter that your Ansible installation is installed in. This demo will leverage Python3. For the installation you will also use the --user flag to install as the local user and --upgrade to ensure that the latest version of TextFSM is installed.

pip3 install textfsm --user --upgrade

For the second method of using Ansible Galaxy’s Network Engine you will also need to install the role as follows:

ansible-galaxy install

Now that the environment is setup it’s time to take a look at the Playbook and the execution.

Playbook Setup and Execution

This lab is setup as a 3 router traingle. RTR-1 will connect to one interface on RTR-2 and RTR-3. RTR-2 will have one connection to RTR-1 and RTR-3. RTR-3 will have the corresponding connections to RTR-1 and RTR-2.

TextFSM CLI Parser – Ansible Built In

  hosts: routers
  connection: network_cli
  gather_facts: no
    - name: "TASK 1: GET COMMAND OUTPUT"
          - show lldp neighbors
      register: lldp_output

        device_neighbors: "{{ lldp_output.stdout[0] | parse_cli_textfsm('~/ntc-templates/templates/cisco_ios_show_lldp_neighbors.textfsm') }}"

    - name: "TASK 3: PRINT OUTPUT"
        msg: "{{ device_neighbors }}"

    - name: "TASK 4: PRINT NEIGHBORS"
        msg: "{{ item['LOCAL_INTERFACE'] }}: {{ item['NEIGHBOR'] }}"
      loop: "{{ device_neighbors }}"
        label: "{{ item['LOCAL_INTERFACE'] }}"

Walking through this first play, in Task 1 you are connecting to the device and running the command show lldp neighbors. This is saved to a variable named lldp_output that will be used later.

In Task 2 the output is being sent through the parse_cli_textfsm filter. The filter is being provided the library file to be used in the parsing. This is explicitely called out. The output from going through the TextFSM parser is then getting assigned to the variable device_neighbors, with each host in the execution having their own local instance of this variable.

In Task 3 you are getting to see the output of the variable. This shows the structured data. With this particular template you get the keys of CAPABILITIESLOCAL_INTERFACESNEIGHBOR, and NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE back. These are all defined within the TextFSM template.

In Task 4 you get to see a practical output to a screen if you want to audit and understand the neighbor relationships seen by LLDP on the network devices.

In this example you need to set a fact to be able to access the data later or continue to send the output through the parse_cli_textfsm filter every time you want to get at the structured data, such as a line number 15 in TASK 2.

TextFSM CLI Parser Output

Here is the output that corresponds with the play above.

ansible-playbook demo_ansible_textfsm.yml

PLAY [PLAY 1: DEMO OF TEXTFSM WITH CLI PARSER] *************************************************************************

TASK [TASK 1: GET COMMAND OUTPUT] **************************************************************************************
ok: [rtr-2]
ok: [rtr-3]
ok: [rtr-1]

TASK [TASK 2: REGISTER OUTPUT TO DEVICE_NEIGHBORS VARIABLE] ************************************************************
ok: [rtr-1]
ok: [rtr-2]
ok: [rtr-3]

TASK [TASK 3: PRINT OUTPUT] ********************************************************************************************
ok: [rtr-2] => {
    "msg": [
            "CAPABILITIES": "R",
            "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0",
            "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-3",
            "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0"
            "CAPABILITIES": "R",
            "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1",
            "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-1",
            "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1"
ok: [rtr-1] => {
    "msg": [
            "CAPABILITIES": "R",
            "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/2",
            "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-3",
            "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1"
            "CAPABILITIES": "R",
            "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1",
            "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-2",
            "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1"
ok: [rtr-3] => {
    "msg": [
            "CAPABILITIES": "R",
            "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1",
            "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-1",
            "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/2"
            "CAPABILITIES": "R",
            "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0",
            "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-2",
            "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0"

TASK [TASK 4: PRINT NEIGHBORS FROM CLI PARSER] *************************************************************************
ok: [rtr-1] => (item=Gi0/2) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/2: rtr-3"
ok: [rtr-1] => (item=Gi0/1) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/1: rtr-2"
ok: [rtr-2] => (item=Gi0/0) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/0: rtr-3"
ok: [rtr-2] => (item=Gi0/1) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/1: rtr-1"
ok: [rtr-3] => (item=Gi0/1) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/1: rtr-1"
ok: [rtr-3] => (item=Gi0/0) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/0: rtr-2"

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************
rtr-1                      : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
rtr-2                      : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
rtr-3                      : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Ansible Role – Network Engine

The Ansible Role – Network Engine is a role that extracts information about network devices into Ansible Facts. You can use either TextFSM syntax or YAML (command_parser option) to extract information about a network device from the command output. You can read more about using the role at the network-engine Github page.

Here you will see a second method to get the same output with Network Engine instead of the CLI Parser. The biggest difference is that in this method, the Network Engine role will register the returned data to the ansible_facts instead of requiring you to set it to your own variable.

  hosts: routers
  connection: network_cli
  gather_facts: no
    - name: "TASK 1: GET COMMAND OUTPUT"
          - show lldp neighbors
      register: lldp_output

        file: "/Users/ntcblog/ntc-templates/templates/cisco_ios_show_lldp_neighbors.textfsm"
        content: "{{ lldp_output.stdout[0] }}"
        name: lldp_output

        msg: "{{ ansible_facts }}"

        msg: "{{ item['LOCAL_INTERFACE'] }}: {{ item['NEIGHBOR'] }}"
      loop: "{{ ansible_facts['lldp_output'] }}"
        label: "{{ item['LOCAL_INTERFACE'] }}"

There is a new key that we needed to add to import the role that was installed with the ansible-galaxy command earlier. This is the roles: key that you see under gather_facts and contains a list of roles to import into the play. Here you see the import of the role.

In Task 1 you once again have the same command to gather the LLDP neighbors from the device.

In Task 2 instead of registering to a fact and sending through a filter, you now use the module textfsm_parser that takes file as a parameter that is the file of the TextFSM template. This is the same template referenced in the filter on the first play. You also pass content of what output you want to send through the parser. The last parameter is the name of the fact that you are registering to ansible_facts.

In Task 3, you once again get to see the output for ansible_facts. This will show that there are more details available about the device.

In Task 4 you get to see the same output as Play 1 where you get the neighbors printed out.

Network Engine Output
ansible-playbook demo_ansible_textfsm.yml

PLAY [PLAY 2: DEMO OF TEXTFSM WITH NETWORK ENGINE] *********************************************************************

TASK [TASK 1: GET COMMAND OUTPUT] **************************************************************************************
ok: [rtr-2]
ok: [rtr-3]
ok: [rtr-1]

TASK [TASK 2: RUN THROUGH THE PARSER] **********************************************************************************
ok: [rtr-1]
ok: [rtr-2]
ok: [rtr-3]

TASK [TASK 3: SHOW ANSIBLE FACTS OUTPUT] *******************************************************************************
ok: [rtr-1] => {
    "msg": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python",
        "lldp_output": [
                "CAPABILITIES": "R",
                "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/2",
                "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-3",
                "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1"
                "CAPABILITIES": "R",
                "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1",
                "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-2",
                "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1"
ok: [rtr-2] => {
    "msg": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python",
        "lldp_output": [
                "CAPABILITIES": "R",
                "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0",
                "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-3",
                "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0"
                "CAPABILITIES": "R",
                "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1",
                "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-1",
                "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1"
ok: [rtr-3] => {
    "msg": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python",
        "lldp_output": [
                "CAPABILITIES": "R",
                "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/1",
                "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-1",
                "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/2"
                "CAPABILITIES": "R",
                "LOCAL_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0",
                "NEIGHBOR": "rtr-2",
                "NEIGHBOR_INTERFACE": "Gi0/0"

TASK [TASK 4: PRINT NEIGHBORS FROM ANSIBLE NETWORK ENGINE] *************************************************************
ok: [rtr-1] => (item=Gi0/2) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/2: rtr-3"
ok: [rtr-1] => (item=Gi0/1) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/1: rtr-2"
ok: [rtr-2] => (item=Gi0/0) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/0: rtr-3"
ok: [rtr-3] => (item=Gi0/1) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/1: rtr-1"
ok: [rtr-2] => (item=Gi0/1) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/1: rtr-1"
ok: [rtr-3] => (item=Gi0/0) => {
    "msg": "Gi0/0: rtr-2"

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************
rtr-1                      : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
rtr-2                      : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
rtr-3                      : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0


This shows that there are multiple ways of pairing TextFSM templates with Ansible. Getting structured data out of unstructured output is extremely valuable when it comes to automating a network environment. There are over 300 different templates currently in the NTC-Templates repository to help get structured data out of your unstructured data.


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Updates to ntc-templates

Blog Detail

Over the last several months Jacob McGill and I made a big push to get through the dozens of open issues and PRs on ntc-templates and to incorporate several enhancements to the overall repo such as updating the readme, testing, and file extensions.

Here are some stats from when we first started to today:

  • Starting issues: 19, Today: 10
  • Starting PRs: 35, Today: 7
  • Total commits: 77 commits

On top of those stats, our updates include several new templates, bug fixes for existing templates, and additional fields added for existing templates. You can always check out the changelog for further details.

Some of the most notable changes made:

  • The extension of templates has changed from .template to .textfsm
  • The extension of parsed files has changed from .parsed to .yml

TextFSM File Extension Change

The main decision to rename the templates from .template to .textfsm is to take advantage of creating and editing templates within your chosen IDE with syntax highlighting. Jacob McGill is currently working on a syntax definition for TextFSM files in SublimeText which should be available soon. The image below is of syntax highlighting in VSCode using the TextFSM Template Syntax extension.

Parsed File Extension Change

The decision to change the parsed file’s extension to .yml is to allow us to use YAMLLINT within our testing framework and define how every parsed file should be formatted. Additionally, we’ve created the to make the development of new or existing templates easier on contributers. The script will generate the .yml files from the .raw files it finds along wither other options available to the contributor. You can find more information within the README

You can take advantage of the new updates by cloning the ntc-templates repo or installing the latest version from PyPi.

We want to let everyone know that we appreciate all the contributions to not only ntc-templates, but our other open source projects as well and can’t wait for your next contribution!

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